standard Cochins versus Faverolles, compare their temperaments


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Which is the friendlier, more docile (in general), the standard Cochin or the Faverolles? Also, how do their other personality traits compare?
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Also please compare standard Cochins and Faverolles with Buff Orpingtons, personality-wise. I've heard that standard buff Cochins are the most like Buff Orpingtons in temperament. True?
I have Salmon Faverolles and Partridge Cochins (male in my avatar). They are both VERY docile. I really couldn't say one is more so than the other. They will let you touch them upon entering the pen and you have to move them out of the way to fill the feed dish or get the eggs up. They are just really in the way like a sweet little puppy... I love them both equally. I can not say anything Re: Orpingtons as I have never raised them or been around them. I hope this helps you.

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