StarLover's Class On: ~Drawing Roosters~ *first assignment up" *assigments due TOMMOROW!*

Okay, here's your first assignment (anybody can join the class if they want):

This is a wellsummer rooster. Take a look at the feathers on him. Study them and their names, and then do a quick scetch of the rooster. I don't want detail right now- I just want you to focus on the structure of the feathers. Clearly define the shape of each tail or neck feather. You don't even have to include the head of the rooster. Also, label the feathers in your drawing without looking at this picture.

Also, take a look at this picture. Se those feathers surrounded by red? They look like normal hen feathers, don't they. Alot of people don't realize that roosters stil have those feathers, although they are sometimes hidden behind the sickle feathers. Try to include these in your drawing. Good luck! Your assigments are due Febuary 4th.

Hey, can I join too? This looks really cool; only problem is that I may forget to check this thread for the next assignment.

Do we need to shade in/color our drawings? (Personally I don't like to color mine because it doesn't make them look as good, but I like shading . . .)
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"Hi, and welcome to my class on drawing roosters. Before you join, make sure your joined up at the art academy!"

i would like to join also.looks fun
Okay, I finished the assignment. The drawing's a little smudgy, sorry about that.

I know I probably should've drawn the earlobes and such but for some reason I find that part of the chicken the hardest to draw.
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Okay, I finished the assignment. The drawing's a little smudgy, sorry about that.

I know I probably should've drawn the earlobes and such but for some reason I find that part of the chicken the hardest to draw.

That's great! Don't worry, on this assigment, I just wanted the detail on the feathers. Nothing else. You didn't even have to shade it in. We'll work on that later. One tip I have is- for the saddle featheres, don't make them come straight down. Your saddle feathers are a little more 'rectangular shaped'. Make them more curved, and hanging over the side (I'll post an exampe later). Also, the greater sickle feathers are less above the 'heny feathers'. They're more over them. Try to make the heny feathers behind the greater sickle feathers. Don't worry- you did a great job. I'm just doing my job as a teacher :).

I'm glad so many people are joining! Let me know if any of you need more time on the assigment.

Also, I'll post tonight or tommorow with my example of the picture.
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Okay, here's my example of the drawing. (I'm not saying you did a bad job ChickenAddict92, this is not directed towards you!).

Notice something missing? Yeah, the head. And the feet. I don't really care about those at the moment. Just focus on the feather structure. You can draw the head if you want. Or put a squiggle. Or a floating eye. I don't care!

Oh, and who wants just critiquing and who wants critiquin and actual grades?
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