StarLover's Class On: ~Drawing Roosters~ *first assignment up" *assigments due TOMMOROW!*

I'm a computer geek but here's how i do it.

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This one?

Good job! I like the saddle feathers- and even though the head is cut off it's great (although we'll work on heads later). One thing is, I can't really tell the Lesser Sickle feathers from the hen like feathers. Lesser sickle are more curved, just like smaller greater sickles. Then just fill in the gaps with heny feathers. Don't worry, I'll be posting a tutorial on how I do it after everybody has turned in their assigments.
To my other students:

ONE day more to put in your assigments! Please turn them in today or tommorow morning!

Assigments are due TOMMOROW!
Sorry. Here it is:

Great job! I love how you put the hen like feathers BEHIND the sickle feathers. For your sickle feathers, make them a little more curved. Also for your hackle feathers, make the lines showing the curves running all the way through.

Very nice! Again (most people had trouble with this), make sure your heny feathers go BEHIND the sickle feathers. I like the saddlef feathers, - nice how you outlined each one. And for y

our hackle feathers, the feathers don't just go on teh top. Make them extend through the whole neck.
Oh OwlLover....Dinahmoe....your assigments are due.....

I'll post my tutorial on how I draw the feathers tommorrow! Also I'll have a new picture for you to draw!

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