Starting a batch tomorrow 1/25 anyone want to join me? Valentine hatch-along!

I have never had any issues, heck a setting hen will get off the nest for a few minutes every day to do her business, so I figure CAREFULLY candling them within five or ten minutes every day is the same kind of cooling they would get if momma left the nest to eat, drink and poo. I do wash my hands before handling the eggs and I use one of the little handheld LED flashlights for faster candling, and not the homemade box type. Though I want DH to build me one of those too.

Happy candling to my equally addicted candling friend!
Yea I want to make one of those too. I could see through most of the RIR tonight and could see some veining on some. I didn't do a count though because I didn't want to take time to write down who was doing what and leave the incubator open longer. I'm excited for the hatch!
I want to candle so bad but I know there will be little to see on day 4. I shall fight my hardest to wait a few more days before I begin candling crazy.
I'm the same, I figure if momma hen does it, why can't I? I wash my hands just like krazykat says, but after that I don't rush. I candle, weigh if it a day to weigh eggs, check the water reservoir, etc. Research has been done that suggests that eggs actually benefit from a cooling period each day, and incubators are now being made that have it as a feature. Brinsea has a good article on their website about cooling during incubation:

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