Starting a batch tomorrow 1/25 anyone want to join me? Valentine hatch-along!

Two pips from mine. Both BLRW and on complete opposite sides of the incubator. One additional one, German New Hampshire, is moving I can see and does it when I call for it. I'm on day 20 so I wasn't expecting anything for at least another 12-16 hours. Happy Valentines day though!

On the Far right at the tip of the pencil line you can see the pip crack.

This one the pip crack is on the far left above the "B".
Two pips from mine. Both BLRW and on complete opposite sides of the incubator. One additional one, German New Hampshire, is moving I can see and does it when I call for it. I'm on day 20 so I wasn't expecting anything for at least another 12-16 hours. Happy Valentines day though!

On the Far right at the tip of the pencil line you can see the pip crack.

This one the pip crack is on the far left above the "B".

I'm new to chickens what is BLRW? I had a 3rd hatch that I missed the pip lol I heard cheeping went and looked and he was almost out of the shell! He's in the brooder now it's an EE!
My biggest Rouen Duck egg has pipped! I'm so excited I hope I get at least 1 Valentine duckling!!! I feel like a little kid and will probably accomplish nothing today!
BLRW is Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
AH ok thanks for telling me, I'm sure I'll get this sooner or later!
I have my 3 chicks now and the two from this AM are fully fluffed and so cute! The EE is still drying off, but he's already eating! I ordered some marbles but haven't gotten them yet, do you guys think it's safe to put the chick waterer in with them? They fall asleep soooo fast.
I never do the marbles thing, I just give them the chick waterer from day one. Never had a chick drown before, they seem to figure it out just fine. Of course, I have a pretty shallow chick waterer, so maybe that's why I don't have any problems with it.
I never do the marbles thing, I just give them the chick waterer from day one. Never had a chick drown before, they seem to figure it out just fine. Of course, I have a pretty shallow chick waterer, so maybe that's why I don't have any problems with it.
Hmmm I have just the regular small quart waterers from the feed store. My marbles won't be here until tomorrow. I have to work 12 hours though so I need to put them more than a shallow lid with water for the whole day. I'm just so worried cause I only have the three so far and don't want to lose them.
I have another pip from the wheaten/blue wheaten ameracauna but no zipping yet!
WOOhoooo I have no new pips I had a bunch of early ones and now nothing new LOL it's driving me crazy....
First one to come out. Didn't take very long at all!

WOOHOOOO awesome!!!
Hmmm I have just the regular small quart waterers from the feed store. My marbles won't be here until tomorrow. I have to work 12 hours though so I need to put them more than a shallow lid with water for the whole day. I'm just so worried cause I only have the three so far and don't want to lose them.
Do you have chick grit? You could fill the pan of the waterer most of the way up with chick grit, same effect as the marbles.

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