Starting a Muscovy Duck Club

Did you join Farm Girl? I did a few minutes ago..

Yes, ma'am!
Yeah, it started up real quick, a bunch jumped on board and then some hurt feelings came about and it fizzed away. So sad. I was excited about it.
This is a outside set of eyes looking in here.

The groups web site is far too busy, way to focused on graphics. Get rid of all of the unneeded background clutter. Use basic solid colors. Use a clean, crisp, professional looking logo. Clean text, not pixelated. Drop the artsy divider bars. Create a header with clear links to find information. Don't have a special tool bar to download. Most will shy away from these and they are very old school as far as web sites are concerned.

Put the egos and feelings in the closet, or you won't ever get anywhere. All things club related need to be discussed, voted on and approved. Not any one person should be doing everything. Don't say, we ned a logo and then jump the gun to toss just any old thing up. Remember the site might be a persons first impression of the breed, and IS the first impression of the club.

My personal first impression is that someone has a lot of fun playing with paint shop and picking backgrounds. Cream and white make reading text easier and faster load times on web pages.

It won't all happen over night, so no need to rush to put together something so quickly. Non public discussions should be done, before going public. Would really like to see this get it's footing and taken seriously.
I would love to get a group up and going but stay far to busy to head it up. I am willing to pitch in and help all I can though. Just need to be pointed in the right direction.

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