Starting incubation of button quail 1/20

Yes, it's a classroom. That's why I was fretting over the hatch. My poor second graders would be so sad if nothing happened! Only 2 out of 12 hatched. A third one zipped and didn't hatch. I "eggtopsied" it and it shrink wrapped. :( I am still giving the other 9 another day before I call it quits.
Yellow chick

I float tested the remaining 9 eggs and they were all floating where the should (not too high or low) but none were "bobbing" around in my still water. Will eggs that don't "bob" in a float test hatch? Or am I out of luck? They are still in the incubator.
is your humidity up to or above 60%? give them up to 22 days if you have had any trouble with your incubator. good luck and aren't they the cutest things!
Hi, I am new to button quail and I am incubating 12 little eggs so that hopefully
my lonely boy can have a girl or two. I wasn't sure how to fit them on the turner but after some brainstorming, I broke open a couple of my Jumbo green eggs and used the (cleaned) empty halves to cradle them pointy end down (these were shipped eggs) in the turner.

My question is, what should my humidity be at for developing vs. lockdown/hatching?

Thanks for any help you can give.

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