Starting that duck house



BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Northern Colorado
I will update here as things move forward.

Nothing to show today as we did shrub, tree, the hat other shrub, another tree removal and planning only.

The duck house will be 5x8 for 7 welsh harlequin darlings.
I really really need to have it done and them moved in within the next 3 weeks.
I laugh a bit (nervous crazed laughter) because I know things always take longer than we want.

Great part of all this is I got the phone and cable companies to move low hanging lines that serve the neighbors house so now I can roof my entire duck and chicken run! I was also given enough metal to roof it all!
All things move painfully slow when needing other peoples assistance. :he

Tomorrow we start the roof on the chicken run finishing it on Sunday. Once that is done I can get rolling on the rest.

Until then.....


Hanging out in their crappy rigged up temporary space. Yes to get a non panicked pic I had to take it through 1/4" hardware cloth from inside the chicken coop.

And just because that hen made me laugh.
I like you waterer but can your ducklings reach it?

I did lower it this morning. I have been outside quite a bit spying on them to make sure they can reach. So far no one has failed to get a good drink using it. I will need to keep it more than half full....or cut the legs down a bit to make it easier for the smaller female when it gets lower than 1/2.
It is helping stop them from making a puddle. This will be the summer outside waterer. Inside they will have a second water set up that has a heater. The pool will have a heater as well.
Our electrician friend will help us to wire it all up.

The pics are a bit deceptive....the birds are 14 feet from where I was taking that pic.
After a hard 2 days work the run is roofed. :th

That lilac is coming out and door will be painted. The duck area will be to the right....where all of the chickens seem to want to be....

A very rustic rather wonky door to the duck zone.....and under the roof.

We took out trees and shrubs here. The duck house will be partially out and partially inside the current chain link line. I will be moving the chain link. The duck pool will be on the front side of this should allow me to drain it away from the run.
I reworked the waterer. The top of the water container is now 6.5" above the ground. Clearly they are mucking it up fast. It was cleaned just 3 hours ago.
There are a couple small gaps I will be wiring closed today.....unless we get rain. If we get rain I will wire them closed tomorrow.

Yes....I am still Godzilla. :rolleyes:

Now that the roof is on.....which was a major hold up...I can get rolling on the duck house.....which will NOT be anything like the sad shanty they are in for now.

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