Staying in yard?!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
I have 5 RR and 6 sex links and lately they will not stay i our yard. They keep wandering to both neighbors and even the house 2 doors down. Their run is lacking grass and they are starting to dig under the fence. Help please!
Sounds like you're going to have to make their run so they can't dig under it. You may have to dig a "skirt" in under your run fence, and dig it down far enough that the chickens can't get under it. Is your run covered? If not, that might be your next project because if they can't go under, they may try going over. Maybe you can bring your neighbors some eggs as a peace offering.
A skirt is not only good to keep your chickens in but to keep predators out. I think it's a totally worthy investment considering raccons are the WORST predator I have ever encountered.

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