Stella's Social Club

Great news and lovely pictures! I love all of the flower pictures with that lens. If it needs an adapter that costs as much as the lens, then I'm not buying it. Too much for my amateurishness.
You don't have to get the adapter. It works fine without but it won't be a true 1:1 or life-size without the adapter. I found out that it is not good for animal shots this morning. It focuses pretty slow and they move too much. But I did get a few shots of the slow moving creatures.

Like this one.

And this one.

And these two.

But these gave me a fit! I have about 300 rejects of emus!

Thanks. I missed a Kodak moment for sure this morning. While I was photographing Chica there was a ruckus in the chicken yard. I looked over to see a big Coopers hawk had landed on the corner fence post and was trying to get in through the flight netting! My little Brabanter cockerel was calling the alarm. By the time I got over there the hawl=k flew off into the pines. Every chicken, with the exception of that little cockerel, were all inside the coops. That included Isi and the little baby Brabanters. I was awfully proud of that guy!

Couldn't spot the hawk in the pines but these guys were nearby.

Had my first run-in with a hawk yesterday- it managed to squeeze over a gate and get stuck in the big pen. Didn't get anything thankfully. A wildlife lover friend is taking it to a rehabber far far away. Got to figure out how to tighten the netting around the gate area.

You know if Hawks didn't look so menacing and cleaned up their evil habits, I bet they could go door to door looking half starved and people would willingly share leftovers with them. Like every time I try to cook beef or poultry, I have LOADS of leftovers. Maybe a holiday peace treaty at least - no killing while people feed them.

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