Stella's Social Club

With my new macro lens

Gorgeous! I want a lens like that! What is it that you have blooming? I'm looking for some plants that flower this time of year.

Mary that bee is so clear I bet Kelly could sex it for us. PS I know there is only ONE Queen in a hive.
Easy peasy, female!

LOL so could I- even if it was blurry. All workers are female- OF COURSE!
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@drumstick diva a little more info on bees- male bees, called drones, are only made if the queen chooses not to fertilize the egg she is laying. He is an exact replica of one half of her DNA. She chooses how many drones to create, usually only 5% or less of the eggs she lays. They cannot even feed themselves. They wander around in the hive and pet workers who then feed them. If they fly out and mate with a queen they die within hours. If they come back and live in the hive all summer, at the end of the summer the workers chew off their wings and throw them off the front porch. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!
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I learn yet more on BYC, I really thought workers were males sorta ( eunichs) my hat is off to all of you who knew. I have to try this on my family - they won't know. I do wonder if the Queen can create a really HOT looking male.
Gorgeous! I want a lens like that! What is it that you have blooming? I'm looking for some plants that flower this time of year.

Easy peasy, female!

The lens is the Canon 50mm 2.5 compact macro. I was going to get the 100mm my instructor recommended the 50mm instead so that's what I got. 1/3 the price too!~

Rosemary. It is blooming all over this property and you can hear the bees from the deck and the road. They are swarming all over it.

@drumstick diva a little more info on bees- male bees, called drones, are only made if the queen chooses not to fertilize the egg she is laying. He is an exact replica of one half of her DNA. She chooses how many drones to create, usually only 5% or less of the eggs she lays. They cannot even feed themselves. They wander around in the hive and pet workers who then feed them. If they fly out and mate with a queen they die within hours. If they come back and live in the hive all summer, at the end of the summer the workers chew off their wings and throw them off the front porch. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!
Wow I sat out there in the middle of them for 30 minutes and never saw any of this!
Off to google the lens.
This lens is not 1:1 without an adapter, which costs the same as the lens! It is also short which causes you to cast a shadow on your subject. The autofocus is noisy too and sort of scares the critters away.

All that being said, I love it for food.

And Fall leaves

And old letters

And devoted little dogs

And red geraniums

And guard dogs

And chicken stuff

And roses

And flowers from Michael

And rusty metal

And man's best friend


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