Stella's Social Club

It is the 120 feet of icy cold water below the ice that scares me, even when that ice is 2 feet thick. I tend to cross as quickly as possible.

We did stop to admire the sunset, and my friend riding with me said "Aren't we lucky?" - and we all had to agree, cold or no.
Winter has now arrived in Nevada, MO. Snow is to begin any time now. Forecast says freezing weather for a week, anyway.

Oh no Kathy, did the chicken survive? I'm thinking another fox was there and grabbed it when the first one ran. What a scary thing to come upon. Are you allowed to shoot them? They keep coming back.
Tyson! What's with that??? He acted like he didn't even know anything was going on! Darn dog.

The rooster is still alive, and I don't know how bad he is. He made it to the hen house. I will get a better look tomorrow. They are not gonna be out of their gates for awhile.
When I had dogs(many) and saw a mouse run out from underneath a dog crate, I screamed like a banshee. The dogs thought I was bringing them treats and none of them acknowledged the mouse even though it ran right past them. All I could think of was the mouse(mice) must have come out so often (when I wasn't around) that the dogs thought they belonged there.

I hope that isn't the case with Tyson. Maybe the rooster didn't have the opportunity to screech so Tyson didn't alert. Maybe fox and mice aren't as entertaining as squirrels - dogs always notice those.
I did tell you about Big Delores? She got snagged and I chased the fox into the woods. The vixen dropped her she was so heavy. I brought her in and quarantined her for a few days and she was good as new. That was a couple of years ago.

I've been seeing bunny tracks in the yard so I hope that's a good sign.

Do you know what you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A hot crossed bunny.

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