Stella's Social Club

My mother had pressure cooker disasters as well - but she took them in stride. I did not, I will NOT go near one.
I sure hope you get that weasel, Kelly! Darn varmits!

Cylis is 3 now, and Kayson is 5. School is in session. We homeschool - you knew that, right? If Mike would just stay healthy, I think we would be doing ok! LOL His broken ankle healed up well. I guess he just won't be running any marathons.

School is hard work, ya know!

T is for TURTLE. . .
Wow and you are homeschooling too? Sheesh you like to pile a lot on yourself! I home schooled my oldest for 3 years for 6th - 8th grade. It is a lot of work for sure!

The boys are adorable!
The pressure cookers that are sold today are not the same as the one Mom had. They are designed to not blow up and cannot be opened until the pressure is out.

I have been using mine for going on ten years and I use them at leas once a week. Not even a sputter out of them.

I have one of those today. Just told DH today that my EE is a freeloader. Man, she needs to start laying anytime now. I know they are known for starting late, but I'm not used to waiting on for 7 months. I have heard that some wait for 9 months. No way! I've kept her this long, I will wait I guess. :/
I have one of those today. Just told DH today that my EE is a freeloader. Man, she needs to start laying anytime now. I know they are known for starting late, but I'm not used to waiting on for 7 months. I have heard that some wait for 9 months. No way! I've kept her this long, I will wait I guess. :/
I have waited 11 months for a Welsummer pullet before. She laid for a month, and then went broody.

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