Stella's Social Club

I see the Chihuahua hasn't been stepped on yet
- thank goodness
She's really good at getting out of the way. My Shepherd is under my feet far more often.

Kelly, that pictures a hoot! David and Gotliath. My money is on David!
Maggie is a whole whoppin' 7 or 8 pounds......

To Shadow's 65 pounds.

Maggie likes to bark at the chickens. Maybe I should take her up there and let the chickens show her who's boss.
Hey guys Im new here and wondering how to keep a red fox out of the yard at night
it already took my last chicken and one chick I now only have 4 ducks and 4 chicks

What kind of enclosure do you keep your animals in? Do you own any motion-activated floodlights, guns or any other kind of security?
What kind of enclosure do you keep your animals in? Do you own any motion-activated floodlights, guns or any other kind of security?
I keep them in a wired coop I have no lights and dont want to kill him myself
but do you know where to get the lights
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Hey guys Im new here and wondering how to keep a red fox out of the yard at night
it already took my last chicken and one chick I now only have 4 ducks and 4 chicks


I keep them in a wired coop I have no lights and dont want to kill him myself
but do you know where to get the lights
A fox should not be too hard to protect against. First you need to build a secure coop. for wire, you need tight wire to keep them out. The run can be less secure for day time. They need to be closed up in the coop at night.

Go to the Coops page and get some ideas from that page. To save money, look into a pallet coop or see if you can find reclaimed wood in your area.

A solar night eye setup may help too:


A Dog that patrols at night is also a good way to protect them.

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Is the fox attacking in the evening or at night? At night, they should be safe locked in a coop - but you have to make sure the door is closed. The only issues I've had with foxes have been during the day. Foxes can climb, so you need to make sure everything on the coop is secure.
Made an apple pie a couple of days ago.

I threw caution to the wind and took my new camera outside this morning. I post random farm photos on my blog on Fridays. It sure takes nice pictures. I am nervous around the emus with it though.

Sorry about the fox problem Gracie's Ducks. I haven't had an issue but a couple of weeks avon someone came down from the school behind us to warn us that a family of fox had been discovered in a drainage pipe at the school. I saw one of them crossing my property a few days later. So far no issues though. Good luck. Lock everybody up tight.

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