Stella's Social Club

I got my first egg from my BC Marans pen today

My egg basket is getting more and more varied. (I will not incubate, I will not incubate, I will not incubate (yet)).

Awww. Congrats Deb! You have more will power then me, I'm still have a month before my girls start laying, and I already want to incubate! Did I mention, I don't have a Roo! Lol
Aw gee, I would but they're all identical, there is no smallest one.
Although at the moment, I'd like to send you the one that hasn't been cleaned out yet from the hatch. I had a couple of fragile chicks so I let them live in there for a couple of days. They just got moved out to the brooder yesterday. I just plopped the lid back on and still need to break it down.

I've been busying myself all week with "processing" cockerels out of Camp Kenmore. Three more and the pen is empty. I find three at a time is my limit before my back screams for a break. They've been aging in the refridgerator for the last couple of days. I just finished breaking them down into parts, bagging, labeling and popping them into the freezer.

Although we have already eaten two of them,
They were pretty tasty. Roasted one, then made sandwiches from the leftovers. The second one I made an Italian braised dish I found on FoodNetwork. Our chickens only run around 2-3 pounds dressed, since they are mostly light weight breeds, but that works out perfect for the two of us.

Fred was just trying to be social and join the F2 chickens for a little bite to eat.
They all looked at him like he was an alien or something..
A couple even threatened him......

He butted in anyway.....

And got pecked..... a couple Miss Bossy Pants....

He tried again......

But gave up quickly......

Fred was just trying to be social and join the F2 chickens for a little bite to eat.
They all looked at him like he was an alien or something..
A couple even threatened him......

He butted in anyway.....

And got pecked..... a couple Miss Bossy Pants....

He tried again......

But gave up quickly...... it!!!!

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