still air incubators


12 Years
May 27, 2007
I am having a heck of a time with temp on my still air.I like on blower incubator better.question is how do i keep temp right on the still air on and if it went about 103 are they dead already or do i have a chance in saving them
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No they prob are not dead but you can't really regulate still airs that well I have read. You can buy a fan for your bator. You will see that the eggs below the heat source will hatch first and the the ones farther away may take a few extra days.
Right now I'm running 2 LG still airs and the temp is staying perfect. Mine are in the guest bedroom where there is no draft and no traffic. I'm the only one that goes in there and I only go in normally 3x's a day just to turn the eggs.
I have a still air too, I'm surprised how well the temp holds. It is in a room with no drafts and nobody else goes in there. I have a heater in that room that keeps the room around 70, so the bator temp will be more stabilized.
thank you all so much i will keep trying. it is ok now i have it in my spare bathroom and i am the only one who goes in there.wish me luck all
Glad you all are having such good luck. We've been having 90 degree days and 45 degree nights (no air conditioning, or heat in house now) and things been reallly erratic... I'm ready to pitch it!!
I have one of each and had great luck with the temps holding pretty steady but I made sure that anyone who came in the door knew they would die if they touched my bators.

I have 2 hova bators 1588's left and they are due june 1st will have to see the difference in them. Will be interesting.
I just noticed that my temp was up to 104 or just below on top of the eggs when the eggs were straight up in the bator. Then the bottom of the eggs were down to 100... so I don't know if they are going to make it... When the turner moved them again it went down to 100... so I don't know UGH!


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