stolen picture on ebay...UPDATE

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Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jun 29, 2007
Kansas~50+ yrs of chickens
It was brought to my attention that someone, nutty_sewer is using one of my blue wyandotte pictures in his auction. What a low-life. I have it posted on BYC so it's someone who is either a member here or just likes to steal pictures.
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Ok, I've said this before, but it's now Ebay's policy to use any picture that is uploaded as a stock photo, watermarked or not. You have to go under your account setting to change this. Good luck getting anything accomplished with Ebay.

Hopefully if you ask the seller to remove your picture, they will honor your wishes.
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I wish people would respect others enough to ASK and state why they are wanting to use a pic. But I agree. Lowlife.
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