Stool softener or bra?

She just laid another egg! Three or four days in a row now so I am happy with that. She just snuck behind me to get to her grit and calcium. She is spunky. Jumping up on her cage and preening.

Y'all got me doing some really crazy stuff with my gals. Things I can now say that I never thought I'd do for a chicken:
Necropsy 🤯
And now attempt tubing fluids

I'll call our local farm stores. I've watched the videos about tubing on here before, out of curiosity. Was hoping I'd never have to do it though. Lol
Ok, this morning she is still up and moving, talkative, bright alert eyes and red comb. She is definitely watching me with all the syringes of water, coconut blobs and massages I've had for her. Lol I syringed lots of water yesterday and she is definitely not lethargic. I can hear stomach sounds every so often. I try to massage her crop now and she pecks at me. She tolerates when I lift it up and slightly massage the bottom. When I let go it falls down quite a bit. Her crop has very little change. I do not understand how she can still be so active, preening and appear to feel well when we have been dealing with for a few days now.

Anyways, here is her poop this morning. She waited for me to come to actually see her do it 🤦 It is still watery but has these, I'd say worm like, strings in it. But I've done enough dog and cat fecal floats and have seen enough poop with worms to say I don't believe these actually are. When I try to pick one up with a toothpick it just breaks like mucus would. That being said, I have no clue about chicken worms.
@azygous @casportpony @Eggcessive

Ok, I think I've figured out what is happening. She is still acting well and definitely not sickly. I am getting water in her, quite often now so we do not have to deal with dehydration, and coconut oil every couple hours. Shortly after I massage her she has a mostly water poop. I believe that I am massaging the water and oil out but the mess of what ever is stuck is just not budging.

Having this experience and doing lots of research I am thinking my options are:

-Continue on in hopes of clearing it out before she becomes sick knowing I may have to euthanize.
-Try crop surgery while hubs is home for 2 days and can help with hopes I can successfully close her up and keep infection at bay.
-Or take the fight and bring her to the vet which will cost well over $300 and deal with the incredibly huge fallout with hubs after the fact.

None of those sound great. The third is my norm for the animals. But he has made it clear I am not to spend that amount on the chickens and I actually believe him on this one. It would definitely cause a riff.

I've been watching videos, have worked at vets and I think I could get it done out of sheer necessity, but it will be incredibly difficult with my greatest fears being pain for her, damage to the crop or infection.
I have a prescription 2% lidocaine topical gel and a, more recently filled, 2% lidocaine oral solution which I would think can also be used on skin. I would try both out on me first first.

Am I insane for even considering this? I know I am extremely fortunate she is still healthy, but for how long? Idk, this is a tough call. My gut says it's not going to budge considering the shape, firmness and size has not changed despite the water, coconut oil, 2 doses of 1 ml mineral oil (given 24 hrs apart) while keeping her hydrated and massaged for 3 days now.

What would be your next steps?
Please get a tube and try that first. I've had a few crop problems and tubing water always works.
I am still searching for a set. My farm and fleet is out of stock, Walmart only ships, rural king website does not even have one that I can find, and our local medical supply store is not open. CVS has a closed catheter for women, maybe I can cut it and just use the tube?
'm not sure where else to look.

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