Stories on the strange, creepy, odd, and unknown?

LOL! No chickens...just the quail. I still can't understand how it was done. I took it as the proof that I was meant to only have big birds. Wish me luck with my soon-to-be bantam Langshans...

Seriously. If I knew the coop could support a person, I would have bet on it. The roof would have collapsed if anything over 50 lbs. had gotten on top of it.
Yes, it was really creepy. I remember one of my beloved cats (actually it was Peaches' dad) went missing for 4 days after we had the incident that night. I was really upset and cried all the time. Finally he came back home and he had a ton of hair missing from his tail, I think he is a Turkish Angora or Maine Coon cross, you know, lots of hair. This cat never leaves our lawn now, he used to be an avid hunter going out to the fields. He could have been chased by a coyote, but I don't know, I just thought it was strange that it happened during this same week we had that wierd experience. We had walked all over our fields and woods calling for him but he never came to us. A definite unexplained mystery.
We were camping in the middle of a national forest. My SO said something suddenly woke him and when he looked up and something was pushing in the tent over my head.
He said it did it a few times and he finally slapped the edge of the tent and it stopped

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