Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

But I only *want* goats. They're cute. They could be a source of milk. They could browse the poison ivy out of existance.

Need....? Well.... I have no confidence in the fencing we could put up. We have a couple of out buildings that might be a shelter, but they're close to a 1/4 mile from the house. That could be a problem in the winter.
Careful! There are enablers among us!
And some dang cute bunnies too! :lol:
I have lots of wisteria, poison ivy, vines and growth everywhere!

My backyard has a 4' tall chain link fence all around it. There's one section that was knocked down by two trees, about 10 years ago. I have replacement posts, fencing, all the hardware needed. I purchased it from a neighbor who switched from chain link to board fence.

I'm planning on getting a tree guy over here to remove the fallen trees, THEN I can get someone to replace the damaged sections, THEN I will get a new gate for the driveway.

I figured I'd get a wether, or two, to start...once I retire.
Once you retire, because a 4' fence isn't something a goat even notices.


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