Stormtroopers Story


May 20, 2017
This is the amazing story of Stormtrooper; So it all started when we went to go get two sexed ameracaunas. We were so excited coming home with our two little chicks!!! They were happy and fine running around their little pen with the other chicks happy as can be! When they were about two weeks old we noticed one of them had a bad eye infection. It was goopy and watery and bubbly and nasty!!! My mom and I immediately took the little chick inside and put it in a kennel. Week after week went by and we saw no progress. My mom said we should just end it right there and then and put him down because nothing was working. I begged her, "Please mom just give me one more week!" She agreed. After that I spent all of my free time with this chick. Treating the eye spending time with it and loving it!! Then at around 41/2 weeks old BAM it got a big red comb. Oh and did I mention both him and his sister were Buff Orpingtons? (So much for our sexed ameracaunas) Around the same time he started looking better and more active!! We would take him outside and let him explore in the grass and he was so cute because he was so clumsy with his big feet and legs!! When he was almost cured we decided we had to name him. We decided on Stormtrooper because he "trooped through the storm!" When he was completely healed he was reunited with his sister "Princess Leah". Today he is a healthy and happy rooster with all of his ladies! I do 4H with him and take him to public events!! Here are some pictures:
Stormtrooper dozing off under the warm heatlamp!
Stormtrooper on the road to recovery!!
Stormtrooper showing off at a 4H event!!

Princess Leah! Sadly she passed away a few weeks ago.

Stormtrooper posing for the camera!!!
Stormtroopers first daughter, Junie B. Jones!
Stormtroopers second daughter, Fluffy!

Hope you enjoyed the story of Stormtrooper!!


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Thanks! I think if we hadn't gone through that eye experience he wouldn't be have been as sweet or we wouldn't have kept him because we paid for a hen.

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