~Story~ The Big Escape CHAPTER 22

Chapter 4

After my Daddy crowed, all of my new friends started to run crazy toward the hay while wagging their little tails. I followed, but I was more delicate, and careful with my steps.
It took us awhile to reach the hay, partly because we were by the older girls, and they were trampling us. Just as I started seeing my Daddy on top of the hay, a weird black chicken with a poofy head trambled me.
" Oh oh sorry hun! Can't see... can't see!" Well then... I though. It was really hard to understand that hen, since she talked so fast. My friends were on the second hay bail next to my Daddy. Then one of the Rhode Island Red's talked.
"Oh Marbles... what have you found us today?" She said in a lover's tone.
Marbles? Oh! That must've been my Daddy's name. Oh, handsome!
"Well Chessnut, we always let the chicks eat first. So you guys will probably only get a grasshopper or two. But the potatoes are for the chicks."
* * *
After we ate our potatoes, we left to go back to the barn. Fern was growing mad mad too! Her beard was really fluffy, andit took all my strength not to touch it. What? I've never seen one before!
Willow wasn't doing to well though. She kept falling down a lot. I heard the people say that they were taking her to a vet... or whatever that was. I just hope my BCF [Best chicken friend] will be okay. But as we started toward the barn, Willow was no where to be seen.
This such a great story! You have a talent for story writing.
Thanks! My friends and I like to write during school
Don't tell my teachers... lol

I would never tell I'm not a RAT, I am a CHICKEN!! lol:

Yay!! xD
Chapter 5

"Willow?" We called in the early morning sun. We were looking everywhere for her... by the barn, next to the rabbit cage, in the hay... literally everywhere!
All of the sudden Willow came out of no where, with a bandage on her leg.
"Hi guys!"
We all rushed up to Willow and started asking her questions, and welcoming her back at the same time.
"Whoa guys! Okay okay, well. I was inside, since I kept falling down, you guys left me on accident and the humans found me. I don't know what was wrong with my foot, but I'm fully recovered now!" Willow peeped.
"That's good Wills!" Lacey said.
Just as Fern was about to say something, my Daddy crowed.
" Hey guys! Let's go check out and see what Marbles got for us!"
We started running toward the noise, but since it rained that night, everything was wet and muddy, and that made me look more brown than white. I stepped into a muddy puddle and got my feet-feathers all gross!
"Ewww.." Fern said.
"Hey! Watch it green legs!" I pipped back.
After walking only a short distance, their was an important announcement. It was about mommy!
Marbles started, "Hello everyone. I'm sure you all know about the recent hawk attack. I just want to take a moment and..."
Sandy interupted and said
"Hey... it's a beetle! Let's eat it!" Luckily we were so small no one in the crowd really noticed us jumping, and fighting over the beetle. Finally, Willow took the beetle and gobbled it up. That was so unfair, I wanted it!
The beetle was one I've never seen, it was greenish redish, and it had eyes on it's back.
The meeting was over, and we didn't pay attention. Everyone went back to bed and I feel asleep next in my Daddy's wings.

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