Strange death of young duck.


16 Years
May 15, 2008
I found my 3 month old Peking duck dead in the pond the other day. My first thought was that a snapping turtle got him as this had happened before. I got him out of the pond and there was not a mark on him. Nothing. I raised this duck and 2 others from babies. He was fully grown and very large for such a young duck. Bigger than my 5 yr old duck. I am at a total loss as to what happened to him. Does anyone have any ideas?
Could he have had health problems and just died on his own, not having been attacked by something?
I know it sounds stupid,but I've lost fully feathered ducks ( pen environment) that got into their water bucket and couldn't get out. They got hypothermia. They are in the pond now. Bucket is in the burn pile. There is really no telling what happened. Sorry for your loss.
I suppose he could have had some kind of health problem. He appeared normal. There were no wounds of any kind on him. I even thought of a snake bite but again, no visible marks or blood.
I was just wondering because you mentioned how BIG he was...could have had something "else" going on
I suppose he could have had some kind of health problem. He appeared normal. There were no wounds of any kind on him. I even thought of a snake bite but again, no visible marks or blood.
a 3mo duck has a ton of feathers; you would probably have to pluck her to see the entire body for marks; sounds gross, I know.
did you do an autopsy? that might give you more clues.
so sorry for your loss and for the mystery of her death.

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