Strange looking poop! Help!!!

It does look like undigested feed. Could possibly be tape worm segments in there, but hard to tell from the picture. Getting a fecal float test done would be best to confirm or rule out those plus any other parasites, which could cause poo abnormalities. Worms are not always visible to the naked eye, so getting the test done gives you the best answer sometimes.
Here is a video showing tape worm segments, may help:
That looks just like her poop ! Thanks, look like we are dealing with worms....
I think all of you are right! I was looking at it on my ipad and could really zoom in, but yes. looks like tape segments! Glad you all caught that!
Thanks!! That was my thought/fear but I wanted some opinions first. Now on to treating...! Thanks so much for your help!
The cheapest way is to treat tapes is to get a tube of Equimax horse paste and give 0.03 ml per pound an repeat in 10-14 days. Praziquantel is the drug that works best.

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