Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?


I got the inspiration for my chickens' names from another forum where a member sets up Chickam, which basically is setting up a live cam on her incubator and let us watch her chicks from the moment they hatch until they are fully feathered and ready to join her flock. The member would put numbers on the eggs and allow us to name them... now imagine what kinda of name your chicks would get when the internet names them.

Now, technically the three pullets "belong" to my nieces, but because I was the one who took care of the chicks for weeks (oh god the peeping in my room, having to let the chicks hide inside my hoodie because they felt lonely and wouldn't let me play WoW in peace, poop on my carpet, omg fuzzy butts against my neck! omg a pasty butt agaisnt my neck! *gag*), I told them I'd name the chicks, and if they wanted to rename them, they had to wash my carpet and remove all the poop stains.

My names stayed, and my chickens have the gooniest names ever.

Top pullet: Godzilla. She was the largest of the three chicks we found hiding in our front yard.

Creamy white pullet: Megatron. That names kinda suits her because she has a very cunning looking face, yet she's a sweetie.

Lower right: Rusty. I originally named her Prof. McPoopypants, but we all ended up calling her Rusty.


Now my standard light brahma cockerel is truly a child of the Internet, as it was named in the other forum, and that the person who runs Chickam let me adopt one of her cockerels

Behold Roostroyer!


Truly majestic until you see this other side of him.


I luv that fluffy butt :3
my kids named the chickens..I dont know their names except for the few they REALLY talk about:

Mr. The King (our turken roo)
Goldie (EE'er)
Fluffy cheeks (EE'er)
Floppy Cornhead (the hens comb is flopped over and is missing a part of it)

Sigh..and it amazes me that they can tell me which one is which...the barred rocks look the same to me..but noooo
they can tell me which one is stripes..go figure..
Thunder (who growls at everyone and everything), Lightning (who doesn't walk but runs as fast as she can to get anywhere), and Storm (who literally will stomp in a direct line through whatever anyone is doing to get from point A to B). They were named before their personalities showed. What luck!
As someone of French ancestry I was attracted to the French Cuckoo Maran breed ... and, since the French slang for prostitute is the same as "hen" (poule) I looked up names of famous French courtesans and other shady ladies from history and literature. My original 12 were Nana, Satine, Fantine, Zaza, Fanny, Belle, Juliette, Griselde, Xaviera -- and then I had a Suzy Wong (she had yellow legs), a Goldie (a slight golden ruff) and Trixie, (of Deadwood fame). I named the rooster St. Nick - as he is also the patron saint of .. um .. the oldest profession.
I've lost many of these original ladies over the years, a few to illness, several to predators. But since they are broody, we have had a supply and I kind of keep the tradition going, while also naming them sometimes for their [characteristics. I've had TeeBelle, Perdita,and Chablis (I couldn't tell for the longest time if she was a rooster or not-if you've read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, you'll get the joke)-- and now I've got Mimi, Loulou and Fifi along with Pascaline (born on Good Friday), Ninette, Bebe and Wanda (she's always been prone to wander).
St. Nick turned out to be both mean and sneaky and became coq au vin.
My new flock master is a gorgeous Black Copper named Guy Noir.
In the winter when the heat lamp is on in the coop, we cannot resist calling it the red-light district.
Bonne journee from the working girls,
(trying to load a pic of Satine with Mimi, Loulou, Fifi and their brothers here)
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Two EE pullets-one is Blackbeard, the other is Elvis, for the color and arrangement of their muffs. I haven't named the rest of the flock, but these two were rather distinctive.

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