Stray Pot Bellied Pig?!

A lot of folks keep their pigs corralled with a two-strand electric fence. It’s my understanding that it works great. One YouTuber trained them to the e-fence by setting up the e-fence a few inches inside a conventional fenced paddock. They would hit the e-fence, get a shock, then be turned back in by the conventional fence. Otherwise, I guess they tend to run through when they feel the shock.

BTW, I’ve gotten shocked many times (careless, clumsy) on my cattle fence. I wouldn’t say it hurts, exactly. You just REALLY don’t want to do that again. The unpleasant sensation lasts only as long as the pulse but the memory sure keeps you away from that wire unless you’re kind of a klutz like me.
We use a permanent fence with a strand of hotwire inside. Otherwise they dig out. They learn quick to respect the electric. They won't even cross it when we turn it off. We have to put a board over it to get them out. I've been shocked too and it's more startling than anything.
We use a permanent fence with a strand of hotwire inside. Otherwise they dig out. They learn quick to respect the electric. They won't even cross it when we turn it off. We have to put a board over it to get them out. I've been shocked too and it's more startling than anything.
Cows get it quick, too! :lau I think my cows are smarter than me. They hardly ever get “stung.” Only when they’re pressing in on me, excited about treats with the WIRE between us. Even then, you can count the times they’ve touched it on one hand.
A lot of folks keep their pigs corralled with a two-strand electric fence. It’s my understanding that it works great. One YouTuber trained them to the e-fence by setting up the e-fence a few inches inside a conventional fenced paddock. They would hit the e-fence, get a shock, then be turned back in by the conventional fence. Otherwise, I guess they tend to run through when they feel the shock.

BTW, I’ve gotten shocked many times (careless, clumsy) on my cattle fence. I wouldn’t say it hurts, exactly. You just REALLY don’t want to do that again. The unpleasant sensation lasts only as long as the pulse but the memory sure keeps you away from that wire unless you’re kind of a klutz like me.
We have an electric fence also and one day I had the gate open and didn't detach the fence and walked right into it. Wow! That woke me up!

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