Stuffy, Lethargic, Watery Poop Pullet


May 26, 2020
Kent Island, Maryland
I noticed yesterday that one of my ten week old chicks was hanging back from the group and not nearly as energetic as she usually is. I snuffed it up to it being hot out yesterday and gave her watermelon and she was showing signs of improvement. However, she's still acting weird this morning.

I picked her up (which is normally really difficult to do since she's usually so zippy) and listened to her breathing, and she sounds very stuffy.

Any advice on how to treat her would be very much appreciated. Does it sound like Tylan 50 would help? If so, what dosage?

Again, symptoms:
Stuffy breathing, watery poop, lethargic (but still walking around slowly), not eating much
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Can you look into her beak and throat for any mucus or gunk? Do you see any watery or bubbly eye? I would give her plenty of fluids with electrolytes for the next couple of days. If she acts lethargic, is not eating or drinking well, and having runny poops, consider treating her for possible coccidiosis with Corid (amprollium.) Dehydration may also cause similar signs.
Can you look into her beak and throat for any mucus or gunk? Do you see any watery or bubbly eye? I would give her plenty of fluids with electrolytes for the next couple of days. If she acts lethargic, is not eating or drinking well, and having runny poops, consider treating her for possible coccidiosis with Corid (amprollium.) Dehydration may also cause similar signs.
I did suspect coccidiosis, so I put corrid in her water this morning. I also put some vetRX on her break, and that seemed to have fixed the stuffiness. She still isn't drinking, so I've been using a dropper to get her to drink some, and I've put the corrid water in her food since she is eating some.

This is a picture of her poop, if it's helpful to tell anything.


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I would use the maximum dosage of Corid—2 tsp of the liquid or 1 1/2 tsp of the powder in each gallon of water. Good idea to also give some in the food, and change it daily.
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