Stung! Anyone know a pain reliever?


Thank you everyone. I'm currently sitting with calomine lotion, baking powder w/ a little vinegar, wet tea bags and topped off by a rag w/ ice. My head is throbbing I took an ibuprofin right away, have taken a dose of benedryl, and my husband tells me my eye is already turning, I'm sure that will be a lovely sight. "The Preachers Wife with a black eye".
The pain is easing. Thank God, I cried like a baby.
Thank you BYC folks!
It works I think it is the tannin in the tea and tobacco that takes the sting out.

On the way to school I was stung by a wasp, and my mom tore open a cig and spit (yuck) on the tobacco and put it on my sting. It stopped hurting immediately.
I'm even later to the party but I have heard a half of a frozen onion applied to the area.

I have no idea if that works, but I know how you feel. those things HURT! Wish I'd known some of these remedies to try the last time it happened to me.
Ouch, sorry you got stung, but wow, there are alot of remedies out there.
My grandmother always rubbed fresh cow pats on our stings when we were out in the fields . . . if we were with some of the chewers of the family, they'd just spit their tarry gunk right on the sting. I know that sounds really disgusting, but it sure worked better than that pink crud they'd smear all over us if we were near the house. I know when frontline seems to not be working that great for my poor dogs, a trip to the cow field and some rolling cures them of all their itchies.
Not that I'm advocating using any of that sort of stuff on your face . . . your post just got me reminiscing. Sorry.
No added help here, just wanted to say I am so sorry that happened. I know having it trapped under your glasses had to be terribly frightening. I actually have a rather large scar where one attacked my face as a child (it was a black wasp, too). He kept stinging until I was bleeding badly. Those things can be very mean. I hope you feel better soon.
Good morning! I am seeing again! My eye had swollen shut last night, my head was throbbing, so I just went to bed. Thank you for your quick responses, and your concern.
This morning my eye is stiff, but the swelling is down. I have a bag under my eye, and along the browbone? area it has a pale green look, not a complete black eye, so I'm quite happy with that. It does not hurt, just well, tender, especially if you touch it.
I have been stung before, but never in the eye area, and it had me going almost out of my head! What is it with our eyes? Couldn't find my campho phenique, but I don't think I could have put it on the eye area anyway.
Thank you again for your help. What a great bunch of kindhearted folks ya'll are!

The ParsonsWife

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