stung in the eye!!


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
Oh.. my poor pigeon got stung by ants on its eye... I actually saw it happen.. I just let them out to free fly.. it flew into a tree.. landed on the branch.. and suddenly fell / fluttered to the ground and was madly wiping its eye on its side over and over again in a panic. It had ants on its body and head.

Now its eye has closed and its not happy at all.. he is fluffed up and sitting in the corner of the coop. He is usually the 'boss' of all the other pigeons.

I got some human eye drops and put a few drops into his eye... after a few hours it seems to have swollen up more. He is holding his head to the side to see out of his one good eye and he seems really distressed. And he won't fly.

Any tips of what to do? I think it was an ant spraying chemicals in his eye... as that has happened to me.. so I know how bad it stings and hurts... that tree has the ants all over it.

Do I need to be worried? Should I bath the eye with something or use more drops.. or just let him relax a bit.. he hates being handled and gets really stressed... and I am worried I will injure him as he is very strong and I have to hold him tight.

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Give him children's Benadryl 1/4 mil by mouth every 24 hrs to bring down the swelling this will help stop the inflammation. Flushing the eye out is not a bad thing but don't do it to often as it can irritate the eye.
Give him children's Benadryl 1/4 mil by mouth every 24 hrs to bring down the swelling this will help stop the inflammation. Flushing the eye out is not a bad thing but don't do it to often as it can irritate the eye.
Hi.. thanks for the quick reply.

I am glad to say he is doing much better now... although he is still holding his head at an odd angle. His eye is open and the swelling has nearly gone.

He is also getting back to his job of bullying all the other pigeons and bantams.. to I know he is feeling better.

Love my birds.. but they can be such a worry at times!
Glad to know he is doing better he is probably holding his head that way due to the pain of the swelling. But if the swelling keeps going down then he should feel better and go back to normal.

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