Submit Your Chicken Page For The Picture Of The Week (POW)

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Every week we'll be choosing from our member's "My Chickens" pages to be featured as a Picture Of The Week (POW) on the homepage of the site. You can find it in the Learning Center here: My Chickens In the page we want you to post at least one picture (more is better) of your chicken(s) and then some information about them, for example:
  • Breeds
  • Ages
  • Where you got them
  • Favorite treats, funny stories, their personalities, what you love most about them, etc.
We'll choose a picture from some of the pages and feature it as the POW and then comment on your Chicken Page with a note that it has been featured with a link back to this thread (since everyone always wants to know how to get their chicken as a POW). NOTE: If you want to boost the likelihood of your chicken pic being chosen for a POW, make sure your pictures are very clear, sharp, clean / nice backgrounds, etc. We look forward to seeing your submissions! :woot Here is the note posted in the comments section of each page that had a POW chosen:
Here is a list of the most recent Chicken Pictures Of The Week:
Here's my 2 week old Copper Maran named Black Betty. I purchased her from Mark's Happy Hens located in Hernando, Mississippi. She is very independent and makes happy noises all day. I am crazy about this sweet baby. I can't wait for the day she lays her first chocolate colored egg! I picked her straight as she pecked out of her eggshell too!

This is my hen 'Blue'. She is a Black Australorp. I bought the 'girls' from a Wilson feed store in Napa on April 2nd, 2015. I purchased 6 chicks; 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Black Australorp. The other black chicken grew at an fast rate and began to crow. Sadly, he was re-homed. I chose the Buff Orpingtons because I red a lot about them. In my experience, they are hard to catch, but still a nice hen and pretty true to description on this site. I owned Rhode Island Reds in the past and they were very sweet hens. I chose the Black Australorp for their beauty! After getting the hens, The Reds became the favorites for the docile disposition and ease of handling. However, now the rooster is gone, one of my Reds have become alpha and she pecks my toes and calves regularly. She will ambush me. I guess what I'm saying is 'Blue' has grown to be the favorite chicken for both her disposition, nice big eggs and her beauty. When I garden in my yard, I will scoop up the girls and bring them with me. I always unearth some goodies for them; veggies or bugs. They are such nice companions.

I'm surprised you have any tomatoes! I figured out that my first one was ripe when I was weeding around the beans and Echo (my super BA) came for a visit. Then she startled and ran. The tomato she was eating behind me fell on the ground while she was pecking at it. I put bird netting around the support straight away!

You want to put a stop to the RIRs aggressive behavior to you. YOU are the Alpha chicken, not her and you need to make sure she knows it.
I had that many tomatoes because the bush became out of control and I cut it back severely. It was only recently I found out how much they love tomatoes. As far as RIR goes, I've brushed her back, scooping her up with my foot and tossing her back but it makes me wrong and she just keeps coming at me. After you brought this up, I just went out and let them out of the coop and she stayed, eye balling me. I got down closer to her and stared her in the eye. She didn't know what to think. She went out and turned again my way and again I eye balled her back. She ended the staring contest and went with the other girls. I know it works with dogs but never thought to do it with my hens. Thanks for some great advice! May repair our master/hen relationship.
After you brought this up, I just went out and let them out of the coop and she stayed, eye balling me. I got down closer to her and stared her in the eye. She didn't know what to think. She went out and turned again my way and again I eye balled her back. She ended the staring contest and went with the other girls. I know it works with dogs but never thought to do it with my hens. Thanks for some great advice! May repair our master/hen relationship.

Actually, that is the EXACT description I've seen of how they set their order. They get all upright, chest to chest, first one to break off is the lower one in the order. Keep it up. In fact, you might want to challenge her with some frequency for a bit instead of waiting for her to even think about challenging you.
@bruceha2000 I still can't believe how many times I had to look for Eos in these pictures. I mean, a light colored Easter Egger in a cherry tree - how hard could it be? (um, I did get her name right, didn't I?)
@bruceha2000 I still can't believe how many times I had to look for Eos in these pictures. I mean, a light colored Easter Egger in a cherry tree - how hard could it be? (um, I did get her name right, didn't I?)

Yes, and she is in every one but the last! Did you biggify them pictures?

She is on the left in the first two pictures (you see Yuki, the White Rock, in the tree right?) Eos is hardest to see in the first two, branches and lots of leaves and cherries in front of her. To the right, up against the trunk in the third and on the ground on the right under the tree in the fourth.

Besides those two, Angel (the other WR) and at least one of the BJGs have gone up. Guess the younger birds are smarter than the older ones.
Yeah, I biggified them to see her in the first one, although she's easier to spot in the others.

I just did a chicken page featuring just my Easter Eggers. Won't ever be without them in a flock! At least I can tell them apart, which is more than I can say for the Red Sex Links, the Buff and the Light Brahmas!
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