Submit your photos! -Standard bred chickens

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@3riverschick this is the best quality I could get.
Maybe if you go to your profile picture settings you can find and save it there
I've got a Silver Duckwing OEGB rooster if you want pics.
He placed nicely in a show of around 300 birds last year(His comb is dubbed, hopefully that's okay).
I've just set some eggs sourced from a national champion here in NZ (the standard isn't very different from what it is in the US) , so may be able to provide pics of some nice looking Polishes, Pekins and Salmon Faverolles when they're fully feathered.
I've also just set eggs from my Silver Duckwing OEGB pen, so will hopefully get some nice Duckwings.
These are options if you want :)

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