Successful duck surgery!

So, after writing that. Tegan started acting a little strange. Breathing a little heavy, kind of quiet, looked a bit like she was having contractions. I called the vet (an hour away, longer because it was rush hour going through Hartford -_- )
The vet tech brings me in, tells me the doc will be in in a minute, and while waiting Tegan regurgitated the tomato I gave her earlier that day. That's it! Lol! She's fine! Then back into to traffic we go to head home. *#&^!!*!)!!!! -_-
So, after writing that. Tegan started acting a little strange. Breathing a little heavy, kind of quiet, looked a bit like she was having contractions. I called the vet (an hour away, longer because it was rush hour going through Hartford -_- )
The vet tech brings me in, tells me the doc will be in in a minute, and while waiting Tegan regurgitated the tomato I gave her earlier that day. That's it! Lol! She's fine! Then back into to traffic we go to head home. *#&^!!*!)!!!! -_-
Oh my gosh you scared me, thank the Lord only the tomato, next time cut it into small bite size pieces.
I always cut the cherry tomato in half and she has never had a problem- they are her favorite and she scarfs them down. But she has antibiotic pills that I have to give her, about the size of a tums. I cut that into 4ths and put it into the tomato. She knows this trick and tries to spit it out. I think maybe she tried spitting it out but it got stuck.
Tonight is her last pill thankfully, because she is giving me hell over them lol.
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I know someone else who had to do this for the same reason. The problem is that you can't remove the ovaries, so she needed an implant and other measures so that she would stop ovulating. They have to replace the implant periodically. I hope yours does well for a long life.
I am lucky to have her.
Darlene how did the duck do with the implants? My vet is speaking with some of her resources out in California to try some form of hormonal implants.
I thinks she's doing well and I haven't heard of any problems, so far. I can't remember how long it has been, but I think it's been 8 months since her surgery.
Tegan gets her stitches out today! Hopefully she can stay outside now. She is also going through molt at the moment so feathers are everywhere in the house. I sure do love her ducking company but between the poop and feathers it's a little too much ;)

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