Suggested dosage of Pantacox for 2 week old peachick

old biddy

12 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Lamont, Florida
I have two peachicks left from my 2021 hatch. One is almost 2 months and the other is almost 2 weeks old. They have both previously been treated with Corid and it will soon be time for another treatment against coccidiosis. I received my first order of Pantacox (25 mg toltrazuril per 1 mL of solution) which I plan to use this next time. I will be mixing it with a gallon of water.

Directions say 2 mL per litre drinking water for 2 days for cage birds and 4 mL per litre for pigeons. Of course no mention of I want to be sure to use the correct dosage.

I'll appreciate hearing from someone who has actually used this same product or is knowledgable enough to give me some advice. Thanks for any information!
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The dosage for peas is 12 ml per gallon. You do not need to make that much so I would cut that down to maybe a half-pint, (one cup). One cup would be 0.75ml. Many people have told me that they will let the birds drink the same mixture for two days if they do not finish what is made up the first day. Since you are making so little I would make fresh the second day.
The dosage for peas is 12 ml per gallon. You do not need to make that much so I would cut that down to maybe a half-pint, (one cup). One cup would be 0.75ml. Many people have told me that they will let the birds drink the same mixture for two days if they do not finish what is made up the first day. Since you are making so little I would make fresh the second day.
Is that the dose for the 5% or the 2.5%? @old biddy has the 2.5% stuff.
The dosage for peas is 12 ml per gallon. You do not need to make that much so I would cut that down to maybe a half-pint, (one cup). One cup would be 0.75ml. Many people have told me that they will let the birds drink the same mixture for two days if they do not finish what is made up the first day. Since you are making so little I would make fresh the second day.
Thank you for the dosage info...I gave it to them today and will follow up again tomorrow...and I will be sure to make it fresh!

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