Sumatra Thread!

Ok use your scientific logics. But what I am saying is the truth and I am not going any further than this. It is not imposible for a chicken to lay two eggs. haven't you ever heard of a double yoke egg? My friend had a guinea fowl that layed three to two eggs each time. She found it dead one day with it guts hanging out. She took it to the vet and explained how many the guinea layed and the vet told her that was the reason for it to die like that.
Yes I have, but not all hens will lay a double yolk egg ever in their egg laying life. Some will lay a few double yolk eggs in their life. And outta all of the birds I have dealt with in my 20 plus years of having chickens, only one mixed hen laid double yolk eggs regularly. Even through she laid more double yolked eggs than she did a normal egg, she still didn't lay an egg everyday, not even as a new layer. And since she is now a few years old, she has really slowed down. She hasn't had as long of a egg laying life since she sent out all the doubles.

Because for a hen to lay a double yolk egg, they have a glitch in the egg formation process and two yolks get released to be formed into one egg shell. Which is why most double yolk eggs come from new layers who's bodies are still working things out. I personally look at it as the hen cheated me of the next day's egg, or from a hatching egg since double yolk eggs don't do so well as a hatching egg.

I think your friend either had a guinea that was slightly egg bound alot or being that it was a guinea......I'm not going there

It comes down to, it's hard to believe that one sumatra hen is popping out two whole eggs everyday much less 5 sumatra hens are popping out two whole eggs each everyday. As stated above no breed does this and its not possible to do everyday. So I guess I'm just going with Coop Scoop and you have other layers getting in and helping out
Quote: You know that is what worries me I really don't know. I got this hens from Tom Kernan's line, my other lines came from James his sumatras hardly ever lay eggs. My young sumatras don't lay as well as Toms line but lay way better than James line.
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Yes his original lines came from Richard. But now he has a different line of sumatras. They came from twisted feathers farm. The person who owns twisted feather farms has some really nice sumatras, The only problem I have about this guy is he is hard to get sumatras from. He never sells them to anyone except for a few people.
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Yes his original lines came from Richard. But now he has a different line of sumatras. They came from twisted feathers farm. The person who owns twisted feather farms has some really nice sumatras, The only problem I have about this guy is he is hard to get sumatras from. He never sells them to anyone except for a few people.
I don't see him not selling his birds to everyone as a problem. Maybe he only sells his birds to people he knows will only use them in a breeding pen instead of showing them as theirs when they did not breed the bird themselves. They are his birds and he can do with them as he pleases after all.
many long tail breeders are that way. It takes years of work to perfect these breeds, and many have got tired of the, "hey, a dog ate all my birds from you last week, I need some more" thing.

that and yes, some don't want show competition . I have seen it many times where people will buy birds then carry them all over the country showing them. There's nothing wrong with this in general. What irritates many though is when, the buyer does not credit the true breeder and knowingly takes all the credit as if they themselves bred the birds they are showing...

LOL, then some are just jerks haha
Quote: I think he may be. I asked him very nicely if he had any for sale and he was a total Jerk to me. I don't know what I did to him? Oh It may have been the time when I won Champion AOSB and best sumatra in the open show. He did not look happy when he found out who won the class and best sumatra.
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many long tail breeders are that way. It takes  years of work to perfect these breeds, and many have got tired of the, "hey,  a dog ate all my birds from you last week, I need some more" thing.

that and yes, some don't want show competition . I have seen it many times where people will buy birds then carry them all over the country showing them. There's nothing wrong with this in general. What irritates many though is when, the buyer does not credit the  true breeder and knowingly takes all the credit as if they themselves bred the birds they are showing...

LOL, then some are just jerks haha

Good example is us to an extent and a few other breeders I know. With some birds like the dun bantam project, I know Aubrey will continue to improve them so he is the only person to get any birds this year. A good leghorn breeder on the coast refuses to sell to anyone within the region because he doesn't want competition or people breeding his line and ruining it, then pawning off birds that shoukd be culled as coming from his line

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