Sumatra Thread!

Talking of roos i love my Rir rooster. He is cute, he has an amazing character. one day i was trying to catch him and he kept running away, and Roy(the Rir) ran in the barn and literally buried his head in a hay bail.he was all lively and running away one minute but once his head was submerged in the bail he was still as a rock, he's a funny boy. When roy was coming into his manly hood, his hens started to follow him around, before that they would attack him. It was funny to watch because Roy would run away looking quite scared when his Sussex hens chased him. and they would run after him because thats naturally what they would do, but then when they caught up with him they would attack him. It's interesting watching the conflict of nature and instinct.

Does anyone else have any stories about their chucks?

I had a juvenile roo that liked to sit on my shoulder. I have long lashes and one day when I blinked he reacted and pecked my eye. Weird thing was when it healed up I actually saw a little better out of it. (I am farsighted with astigmatisms.)
My kids have a hackney pony that would flip feed outta his feed bucket to feed the yard rooster, so the yard rooster would leave him alone. But when we moved the hackney's pen the rooster wouldn't move with him and tried to teach the old arabian that we put in that pen the same trick, but the old arabian won't share his feed at all. It was funny to watch. And it took the hackney a few years before he finally stopped "feeding" the rooster that was no longer there.
Oh now that's funny!
Hearing about the horse feeding the rooster reminds me of how our cockatoo tosses feed to the dogs.

Here is one of our promising looking dun cockerels

Wow he is nice! Love the sepia look of the photo too.
Does anyone else have any stories about their chucks?

My littlest daughter at three years old had a knee boo boo and a hen ran right up and pecked it. Of coarse there was screaming and crying and she says "mommy the chicken bit my boo boo!" I thought quick of something to say so she wouldn't fear the chickens and replied "no hunny the chicken just kissed your boo boo to make it better" then she busts out laughing through the her tears and runs off after the hens to get more "kisses"
Phew that was a close one ;)
Does anyone else have any stories about their chucks?

My littlest daughter at three years old had a knee boo boo and a hen ran right up and pecked it. Of coarse there was screaming and crying and she says "mommy the chicken bit my boo boo!" I thought quick of something to say so she wouldn't fear the chickens and replied "no hunny the chicken just kissed your boo boo to make it better" then she busts out laughing through the her tears and runs off after the hens to get more "kisses"
Phew that was a close one ;)[/quote

This had my cracking up. Literally laughed out loud! Good one:)
I am a very happy person right now, because the Arizona National is having it's show this year in the last week of December, and my mom says I can go!!!!!!!! whoot this will be my first national ever!!!!!! wish me luck!!!!

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