Sumatra Thread!

Can't wait to see your pics! I'm really looking forward to ordering chicks from you this spring!
will be glad to get you some farmdude,

here they are

first, here's some recent one of the bantam blues they just came out of molt are are still in heavy blood feather




now here's some I plan to outcross to next year to start the duckwing sumatras

this should start a good golden line



this bb red is partial sumatra already, note the dark skin, also hard to tell but is triple spurred, has 1 main spur and a nub on top and below it




Then this is a bb red x ginger red he is double spured, just has nubs right now but they are coming in nice, he should help make some nice ginger reds (shojo)


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Wow, those are some awesome bantam blues - well, they're all awesome but I love the feathers on those blues.

Does that golden have some light barring in his hackle and saddle, or is it the light? It's very pretty.
nice birds! I have a blue/golden and 2 black goldens. Both stunning roo's. I have one with red, not as much as yours, but still a decent amount of red. Here is the blue/golden about 3 months ago. He was hatched from a broody in March.

I'll have to try and get pictures of the other 2.
I dont know about the colored sumatras, just wouldnt seem the same to me. I remember seeing BBR 'sumatras' on ebay awhile back that were basically a pea combed phoenix, they even had some white in the earlobes. I had a 3/4 light brown phoenix 1/4 sumatra rooster that had more red earlobes and maroon skin as well as yellow based legs that would have been great for this.
Me personally, I would rather see more solid colors first like even a solid red. If I was to make some colored sumatras though I would toss in some modern game to add leg/neck length, some closer feathering, dark skin in the case of the birchen/brown red, and you wouldnt have to worry about the gamey wings that some have from the OEGB or rosecombs that were used when making bantams
I agree 100% Sumtras should be solid colored, or you'll basically have peacomb phoenix.

so a blue sumatra is a solid color? How about a splash? Where I come from those aren't solid color. Just sayin.......
Thanks Gallo, Soli and Stony, I've been working on them for a while now. Feel they look pretty good myself, wish they were just a bit leggier but the phoenix will fix all that in future breeding.

Soli, yes that golden has ghost barring to it, it's one of Toni-Maries German import lines.

Look forward to seeing some more pics Stony

Now, bare in mind, from what was said, these are just projects at the moment,I'm not in any way calling those sumatra, just future breeding project birds, that golden is actually all phoenix, the other 2 are partial sumatra.
When I get DONE with these, they aint going to be a ebay half breed reject, they will look just like the blues, but in patterns which will be gorgious. Not in any way a pea comb phoenix. If they look like that, you didnt finish your work, solid colored or patterned. The phoenix are only used 1 Time, the rest is all back crosses and sumatra...
I am constantly doing all this in all the breeds I work with, some like the sumatra just take an outcross to get the color in the breed, no big deal, just work the type out.
And actually the best outcross for sumatra is Phoenix. Toni-Marie herself told me that when I asked if I was going the right route with the project, she should know, she's already done all this. Further more, she also went on to say that the best sumatras often are traced back to phoenix being in them some where down the line.
Oh and I also plan to work more on solid colors as well, whites, reds, and a few others, already getting close on some great duns, should finish them up this year from some starter project dun from Toni.
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By solid I mean lacking a pattern like light brown, pencilling, real lacing, spangles, etc. I'm not super against them, I am just one of those traditionalists that will be pleasantly surprised when I see a bird that looks sumatra with other colors. The way I look at it is that if you were to just take the outline of the bird no matter the color you should be able to know the breed if that makes sense. I would love to see a good white that isnt splash based with the dark face and dark legs, the contrast would be stunning.

I know that when Myron Berger made his sumatra bantams he started with a small largefowl then used OEGB and rosecomb to get what he wanted. If I had enough pen space like I said earlier I would love to use a modern game on some of my birds just to try to get the leg length, closer wings, and nice neck instead of the short stocky birds. And who knows, if I come across the right bird I might just have to try it.

I will be working on some feather bird projects using phoenix, sumatra, and some other 'secret' birds. If a cool enough bird comes from this mating it might get used in another project. I remember one year we had a "flame sumatra" that was from a BBR OEGB x black sumatra that looked mostly sumatra but had some red in the neck. That was free ranging with some other sumatra mutts, one of which was a rooster that was from a BLR wyandotte x black sumatra. The chicks from that mating looked more sumatra in body type than anything with the longer legs and the flow they have but were a weird red spangled color. I dont remember what ever happened to them, I think they got sold but those would have been a fun project to mess with

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