Sunlight v Aerial Protection


May 18, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
After losing our lil Lizzie (8 weeks) to a hawk in the spring, we put up shade sails over the entire backyard to ensure that never happened again. The sails are slightly transparent so I know they're getting light, but they're not getting direct sunlight (especially now that it's almost winter and the days are shorter), so they're not sunbathing like they used to. My question is, which is more important: taking down some of the sails and sacrificing a bit of protection so they can lay out or should I just keep all of the sails up? We have 3 BOs, one is 25 weeks, the other two are 18 weeks. I also ask because the eldest is not laying and doesn't even look like she's close to laying anytime soon.

Thanks in advance.
Personally, I would take the risk. I believe almost every living creature should have access to direct sunlight for at least a little while per day.

My chicken yard is not hawk proof, but I have only lost one in 6 years of chick e raising. My chickens love free ranging and enjoying dustbathing and sitting in the sun.

To sum it up, I think it depends on your opinion. Netting or wire as @rosemarythyme is a great idea!

Best of luck!

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