Sunny is very quiet...

Pet Duck Boy

10 Years
Dec 12, 2009
Orlando, FL
So Sunny is now laying eggs every morning, she's laid 3 in a row so far. She's eating and drinking normally now....but she has been very quiet/sluggish lately. Is the egg laying wearing her out or something? She doesn't make much noise to begin with, other than the soft cooing noise. But now she's very quiet...not making much noise at all. She also just stands there, most of the time she would walk around and dabble in the mud. But now she just hangs by me and looks around. She's not going to sleep or laying down, but she just stands there studying her surroundings. Is this normal for a duck that just started laying? Is she tired?
In another post you have mentioned about her not eating..... Good to hear about the fact that she is eating again, but I would still suggest worming her, and also checking for lice. I always put vitamin suppliment in my ducks water when they begin to lay, just to ensure they get a little extra.
I have noticed that my ducks "calm down" a little once they start to lay, But not to bahaviour extent you have descibed with Sunny. It could be for many reasons, But ensuring she is eating well and puts on a bit of weight would be the first concern, she may perk up a bit if she has more energy. Beyond that I would suggest maybe there is something in her environment that is causing her to feel unwell.
Is there a difference? The electrolytes for humans or birds? It's getting a little worse and she has me worried. My local feed store is closed, and the next closest one is 40 minutes away. There's no way my dad will drive me there.
You may be able to mix up some of your own electrolytes.....I *think* there is a recipe floating around on here somewhere... Lemme search it and I'll post back on here.

I wish we lived closer to each other, Conch and I would help you out a ton =]
Things have been just a bit weird with ducks lately, it seems...I got two nice normal eggs today and one tear-drop shaped pointy one today. Might be another hen coming into laying, but sort of weird. I don't think you're the only one who has "weird" going on right now.
Here is the Formula for electrolytes:

emergency electrolyte solution:

1 cup of water
2 tsp. sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp baking soda
I found this on a CHICKEN thread, not 100% SURE it;s OK for ducks, but hopefully someone can point you in the right direction. Also, this formula is for an EMERGENCY and shouldn't be used on a regular basis...
I bought some apple cider vinegar and pedietric electrolytes. It says it helps with diahrea, and that's exactly what Sunny has been having lately. I added some to her water and she took a couple gulps. How long until I notice a difference? I'll offer her food later tonight and maybe give her the apple cider vinegar tomorrow...and thanks Shadow, it would be awesome if you lived closer.
Do you have a TSC nearby? They have little yellow bags where the animal medication is that's general purpose electrolytes/vitamin supplement. They also have anti-biotic packs that might help a bit to but don't know if that's what you need. I heard someone giving Pro-BIOS to their birds, my wife also thought about getting because she gave it to her horse at one point. Pro-BIOS adds bacteria to the gut which helps with digestion and getting more nutrients out of food. It comes in a gel and a powder. Since Sunny is picky, if you decide to use Pro-BIOS, we suggest getting the gel and using a small syringe to put it down her throat. Also would be good to give her a little of this if you use anti-biotics because the anti-biotics also kill the good bacteria which is what the Pro-BIOS gives.

The electrolytes/vitamin pack is relatively cheap, same with the anti-biotics. I think we got a pack of both from our TSC and was about $7. The Pro-BIOS is a bit pricey, but they have other pro-biotics there I think but I'm not sure of the price or if they even work.

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