Supplemental Feeding of Japanese Beetles Using a Low-cost Bio-attractor

This and your other threads about using JB are absolutely incredible. Best of the best of this forum. I am reading every post. But I wonder if a trap just in the sun, delivering JB to a water basin just in the shade, would not work best.

Try it, we are using a pond. More than one approach being used here with more promising being reported. The shade keeps moving around with pens. Also my pens currently used for this are hard to access. I may setup a 10' x 10' dog kennel and see if I can do more effectively as you suggest. Then cost of materials and labor can be compared.
Doing something a little different now. I just brought a dozen chicks out of brooder and placed them in a light duty pen that approximates a 4' x 6' chicken tractor. The pen was placed about 6' from the attractor unit. Placement also has pen over a patch of ragweed. A panel is set up so as to provide only a small area of shade that moves as the sun progresses across the sky. Wife took my phone so pictures to be delayed.
Beetles in from upper right.


New batch of birds intercepting some of beetles approaching attractor. Attractor is serving multiple pens. Chicks alternate between foraging in full sun and loafing in shade. Some capture beetles approaching edge of shade.

I am now exploring how to move the attractor. It can moved with one hand even while in operation. Location below right up to pen with four juveniles. They began feeding immediately.

Now trying to get more beetles into barn where I have an additional 50+ immature chickens.
Less wire on trap, add power for intermittent zap(every 10-20 minutes) to drop beetles into water bin below? Just a thought.
hmmm, I would think that as long as you are not Adding it to your soil or such, and it is not actually getting ON the beetles.... it is like organic ? Because it is just an attractant ?

There seems to be many beetles this year as I don't remember seeing many at all the last couple years.

Keeping this idea in my mind.
We are doing some research using Japanese Beetles for use as a feed stuff, mainly for fish. The effort is resulting all sorts of other options where live beetles (versus a ground and dried meal) can be fed to fish and chickens. A couple problems popped up immediately. First, beetles fly best during the heat of the day when fish and chickens are less inclined to feed. Second, fish and chickens feed most readily in shade while the beetles avoid such areas. We have been doing all sorts of things trying to bring the too parties together for a picnic. Pheromones help a great deal, but they can be expensive. Traps on the market do not allow animals you are trying to feed to access the beetles without tearing something up. Another problem is attracted beetles may not stay long when simply using a pheromone lure as they seem to want something to perch on.

The weird science conducted on chicken pens and fish dock have shown us the way. Shortly a picture will be posted of a very low cost bio-attractor that gets the beetles down to where they can be consumed and may reduce the beetles inclination to drift to nearby vegetation where they cause damage yet held in area by the pheromone.[/QUOTE

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