Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

My young drake and his 3 ladies act like a gang
The girls Jump the other drake first then he jumps in
He did knock my top drake off his throne a month ago
But he took it back this last week
I’m happy about that as he is a great lead drake
The young guy in lead was crazy
I had girls fighting girls
Girls fighting boys
It’s was non stop crazy
Now with germ back in lead it’s much better
The little ancona gang is even getting better
The girls will go yell at others but no more gang jumping
The young guy is learning his position in the flock
The good thing is even with little fights ect I never see anyone injured
A few missing neck feathers where they pull at each other but nothing crazy
The whole each drake needs 6-7 girls is crazy
Germ has 3 main ladies
Peep has 3 main ladies
Wallen has 3 main ladies
Captain has 6
The first 3 sets all girls eggs are fertile and I see the boys doing their jobs
Captain only services 3 of his 6 but looks after them all as a drake should
I also never see any of my boys service those 3 girls
I truly think 3-4 girls is perfect ratio per boy
Wow, that sounds like one heck of a situation! Glad it sorted itself out.

I currently have four domestic drakes to six females, but one of those drakes is going to be going, and another other, my Magpie, is top drake. Smokey and Bandit don't even look at the girls and are really close to each other.

My Muscovy situation is a bit more difficult. One young drake from last year's hatch is going to be sold. Another is my daughter's pet (whom she never takes care of. Even as an adult, it falls to me to take care of all her animals!). Another drake is technically my boyfriend's, but he's in NYC so... And that leaves me with three *more* drakes that I like for their colouring. I don't have enough girls for all of them, far from it. Currently, there are 11 girls for these six drakes (five if you count out the one I'm selling). I really want to get a better ratio, and even cut down on how many Muscovy I have right now, but it's not feasible until I can make new pens for them.

My abuse is all self-inflicted, lol!
Wow, that sounds like one heck of a situation! Glad it sorted itself out.

I currently have four domestic drakes to six females, but one of those drakes is going to be going, and another other, my Magpie, is top drake. Smokey and Bandit don't even look at the girls and are really close to each other.

My Muscovy situation is a bit more difficult. One young drake from last year's hatch is going to be sold. Another is my daughter's pet (whom she never takes care of. Even as an adult, it falls to me to take care of all her animals!). Another drake is technically my boyfriend's, but he's in NYC so... And that leaves me with three *more* drakes that I like for their colouring. I don't have enough girls for all of them, far from it. Currently, there are 11 girls for these six drakes (five if you count out the one I'm selling). I really want to get a better ratio, and even cut down on how many Muscovy I have right now, but it's not feasible until I can make new pens for them.

My abuse is all self-inflicted, lol!
I have 15 girls and 4 drakes
I’m still getting a few non fertile eggs
Yet my boys are in full swing
I could have one more drake and be just fine I think
I have 3 girls that the boys fight over
Poor stormy has all 4 boys try to mate her ( not at one time ) my boys never work together
Daisy has 2 boys
Nugget and dasher have 3 boys
Yet poor treasure, chest and emerald get ignored
Even though treasure and chest look identical to nugget and dasher
I swear the more the girls run away the harder those boys fight ti get them
Stormy will fight a boy though
She doesn’t run away she beats them up 😂
Good thing or she would be bald by now
We are moving to an acreage with much more space so I will be dividing groups up during spring fever
This sure helps the girls not get overrun
I've not been around that much lately
But I thought y'all might appreciate this portrait I just finished of my abuser- *cough* I mean, ladies.
They hired me to paint them in all their majesty... I haven't received payment yet... but...
I've not been around that much lately
But I thought y'all might appreciate this portrait I just finished of my abuser- *cough* I mean, ladies.
They hired me to paint them in all their majesty... I haven't received payment yet... but...
View attachment 3767621
Its amazing!!

Is the payment duck abuse, or eggs?

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