Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

Ahh another thing great about Greece. We don't need tourists, we do the littering just fine by ourselves
I'm laughing, but I'm shaking my head at you!

nana GIF

In away the Irish are like that too though.... fix this boat? Nah just wait until it sinks.
Fix this farm house? Nahhhh, just wait for it to decompose.
My love, if an adult child spends her attention on caring for her ducklings (now ducks), imagine how wonderful that is to her parents instead of having to worry you are destroying your health with other things. I lost both my (older) sisters to drugs, and I wish I had lost them to ducks instead. The addiction to giving care and Love, that is worthy of giving your life.

Your parents may not know how lucky they are, but I am delighted to see you, and witness your capacity for love.

Keep your loves... They are so much trouble they will keep you out of bigger trouble
I'm so sorry :(:hugs. That was very poetic and is very true.
Evening time is best
They are on the tired side
it may not hurt as bad lol
I can very much vouch 👍. Tried it earlier contrary to what you said, my first boy was not happy with me lol. I was able to snap a pic of one of his feet (all I could get to) and it looks like he's got a mild case of bumblefoot
I have a few teachers that are friends and I give them my bator , eggs , brooder and everything they need to care for ducklings
I am hands on to help if they need it
It’s such a great thing for the class to see
Last year the one teacher put her phone on the bator glass and rigged it to the smart board. Every class and even the school board office watched the duckling zip and hatch
They have asked to do it again
April 19 she will be starting again for this years class
She keeps the ducklings for a week and even brought in a kid pool to class so they could watch them swim
I find buyers who are willing to wait to take the babies and allow the class to hatch before we decide how many eggs to do
Aww, so sweet :). Could I ask how you find buyers? If ever I have to get rid of any poultry or even a whole flock I'm always lost.

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