Suprising coming from me.... but i need help with the gender of these chicks


Free Ranging
8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
South East England
My Coop
My Coop
I'm surprised I'm posting this as I'm normally perfectly fine with sexing chicks. I'm almost 100% accurate with other peoples chickens, but my own ones are really bugging me! I have 17 Columbian Rock chicks that I hatched out and they turned 8 weeks old today. Since I'm REALLY unlucky I only have 4 that MIGHT be pullets. I want to know the gender now because I normally sell my chicks at 8 weeks of age. I've got four chicks in questioning. I'm thinking three are pullets and ones a cockerel. But I'm not at all sure. What I can't understand is that each of them have little but red wattles. Surely there'd be more development if they were cockerels? I'm checking with people on BYC because I really don't want to sell it as a pullet and it turn out to be a cockerel! Could I possibly have some help from the experts out there? :)

Chick #1

I'm quite sure this is a pullet! it has little red wattles though, so what do you think?

Chick #2

I hope this is a pullet. Same again; little red wattles but no comb development to speak of.

Chick #3

Red wattles; no comb development. Oh and in case your thinking "she keeps posting the same chick", I can tell you I'm not. They're all like identical siblings!

Chick #4

I think this one might be a cockerel. He/she is quite heavy. And it's loud when you try to pick it up. I'm just querying because I'd have expected a lot more development. The other 13 cockerels all have big red combs and bigger wattles.

Thank you BYC. Fingers-crossed they're girls (although i don't hold out much hope for the last one). I can't believe my luck is so BAD- I have SEVENTEEN and only FOUR could POSSIBLY be girls.

# 1, 2, and 3 should be pullets as they didn't develop as much as the 4th one. 4th may be a rooster but I may be wrong. Normally by 8 weeks if they develop little they should be recognized.
Thanks for the replies! I was thinking the first three were girls... but if Hybridchucks thinks they're all boys then I'll wait for a few more opinions before deciding for sure.

Lol, yup, you saw my competition entry. The other three are Henny, Lenny and Benny :lau

Look like all pullets to me. And they aren't Columbian Rocks they are Light Sussex. Rocks have yellow legs.

Thanks for the reply
They aren't Light Sussex; they are RIR x White Sussex. If you cross a Light Sussex cockerel with a RIR hen you get Columbian rocks, so I figured it would be the same with White Sussex x. From what I've heard and seen, Columbian Rock don't always have yellow legs.


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