Surprise Adoption! Please help with sex and breed

Thank you everyone for your responses!!

They have been very useful and interesting to read. I really feel she was meant to join our family, she already feels like part of it too.
I am definitely talking to my friends and family to much about her
but now I have a place to show her off.
Oh my goodness!!!

You guys are not going to believe this but we have been out all day visiting family and we return with the neighbour hanging over the fence and basically we have another chicken added to our coop. It's very young!!! Omg let's do another gender age and breed!!!!

Why do chickens keep coming to us?!

This is hilarious..... picture attached. The white one is Elsa and the black one is the new addition !!!! Still in huge shock that two chickens have found us 7 days apart!!


It's brown/black with white speckles all over. And makes a quiet chirp noise. And fluffy!!

Anything I need to know about chicks?!

What a funny week.
Wow! Can you post a side profile pic with nothing in the way? Looks female, possibly Cuckoo Marans.

Hi FarmGal,

Thanks for the reply.
The maran only came into our garden yesterday afternoon but I will get some photos shortly without the run in the way.

What a cutie! Yes, you're right, she is definitely younger than Elsa though- maybe around 7-11 weeks.
At this age is it kind of hard to tell a Cuckoo Maran from a Barred Rock because both the feather patterns and leg color are vague, but from my point of view, I'd say she is a Cuckoo Maran!
Congratulations!!!! That is so amazing that another hen showed up!!!!!! :clap :clap :celebrate :thumbsup

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