Surprise box of chicks


Jan 28, 2020
Just for fun, and because I wanted to grow my backyard flock of bug eaters and layers, I ordered the big surprise box (40 chicks) from Cackle.
I just got back from picking them up, and we had 50 chicks, one was DOA (unfortunately it was one of the Polish, which we really wanted) the rest seem good! including the extra 3 ducklings and 3 turkeys.... its going to be an interesting time figuring out what everyone is as they grow. Yes, I'm part of the FB group for Cackle's surprise boxes:)
so far I know there is:
1 white crested black Polish
2 White Polish(pretty sure)
1 white bantam with a top knot and feather legs
1 white turken
1 black ameracauna
at least 1 silver and one gold laced wyandottes
a couple buff orpingtons
looks like a couple cinnamon queens or new hampshire reds
several other bantams..inculding I *think* a couple Phoenix
a couple blue or lavender large fowl..

2 Pekin ducklings
1 other duckling with a dark bill and darker feathers
3 broadbreasted white rturkeys
thank you for posting about the Cackle facebook group! They might not approve my request to join since I moved to Canada but I found a similar one for Ideal and was approved! Ideal is my favorite hatchery, too bad they stopped shipping to regular customers in Canada.

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