Survey about your CHICKENS!!!

What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?
Cubalaya - have you seen them? They're absolutely beautiful!
They are also quite people friendly and just an all around great breed.

Oriental Games (in general) - they are very intelligent, fierce protective nature, great temperments towards people, and stunning
American Games - same as Oriental Games, but add extremely hardy!
Plymouth Rocks - Egg laying, calm temperment, and tasty.
Easter Eggers - egg laying, cool egg colors, wild plumage, and tasty.
Marans - dark eggs, calm temperment (will get back to you on taste).

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?
No regrets, just some I decided not to continue with because I decided to go in a different direction.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?
Real Saipan Jungle fowl, O-Shamo, Russian Orloffs, Malay, Ga Cua, Ga Tre, Malgache, Aseel, Warhorse, Black Roundhead, Brazilians, Tuzo, Satsumadori
I'm finding this thread interesting and helpful. Thanks!

What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?
I got mine early last November. I had read a lot about breeds. I wanted them to be winter hardy, and I was also interested in heritage breeds. I ended up getting what I could find that were at the laying stage. Buffs, Black Australorps, Dominques and a Speckled Sussex. I like all 7 hens. I just wish they laid a bit more often and a bit larger eggs. The Buff eggs are almost white.

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?
Not yet. But I just ordered 2 Jersey Giant chicks, and I'm started to rethink that as I hear they take a long time to grow and they have big appetites.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?
One of each standard, please. LOL I do want some Buckeyes some day. I want some colored egg variety so I want Welsummers and EEs (true Ameraucana would be great). I have some Wyandottes and Red Sex Link on order too. Having good layers for egg customers has become a priority.

For any of the above questions, if the gender of the bird has affected/does affect your answers, can you explain why?
Gender hasn't been an issue yet. My Buff roo has been very watchful but never mean.
I ordered our first chicks from Ideal last April. I wanted a variety of chickens--some white egg layers and some brown. I decided to do 6 Leghorns (3 Danish Brown and 3 Exchequer) for a main egg-layers because they were supposed to be the most consistent through-out the year, etc.,....turns out all my brown egg layers are just as good if not better. We originally wanted to free-range, so we stuck with neutral colors to keep them from sticking out like a sore thumb, Turns out we were chicken--
--to free-range, and they have a large enclosed run instead, so it doesn't matter about the color(s). But we ordered Cochins (2 buff & 2 red) and Brahmas (2 buff & 2 dark) because they are good temperament and supposed to be very alert birds. Of course, again, that isn't as crucial since we decided to keep them in a run.

Haven't regretted anything yet!

My Ameraucana hatching eggs just arrived today!! Can't wait to have little BBS Ameraucanas

I also want a variety in egg colors, so I hope to add some Marans hubby is going to kill me! We're supposed to be keeping a small flock of no more than 20. I have 14 already, and I'll be incubating 16 Ameraucana eggs on Saturday
....wish me luck (with the hatching and with hubby:lol:)
My original 3 were ISA Browns because I "knew" I was only interested in chickens as a utility to produce eggs (hah) and that's what the local feedstore had in the way of started pullets.

My sussexes I chose in hopes of getting something easygoing and friendly (they are!) and attractive (they are!) that would lay decently (they do!) and be usable as dual-purpose (we'll see, I am optimistic).

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

I got 6 Golden Campines "to try", five of the six turned out to be cockerels which didn't help but basically they are just too massively whackadoodle for me. I have kept the hen but only because she and my SS roo are inseparable. She is still a total nutbar.

Also I tried out 4 Buff Chanteclers, ate one (very very good) and the other three are for sale now because although they are beautiful and friendly chickens (and the pullets have finally started laying), they just don't 'do it for me', I don't know how else to describe it.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

Trying some EEs this spring. I would LOVE to try sumatras but am resisting as they have no earthly use around here and I do not know how I would feel about their temperament and cold-hardiness. Maybe someday.

You sure like exotic breeds! What are Ga Cua Ga Tre, Malgache, Warhorse, Black Roundhead, Tuzo and Satsumadori?

Ga Cua and Ga Tre are Vietnamese gamefowl. Ga Tre is a bantam.

Tuzo is a small oriental gamefowl.

Satsumadori is a japanese gamefowl.

Malgache - often called Madagascar games, are naked neck gamefowl.

Warhorse and Black Roundhead are American Gamefowl breeds.

And yes I do like exotic breeds.
What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

LOL the list of reasons is long.
BLRW for me because they are STUNNING. La Fleche for my husband because he just HAS to have devil chickens. Silkies and Polish because of my kids (oh PLEASE MOM). The rest of my chickens (sex link, EE, BTWJB, etc) just because I wanted a pretty, mixed, good laying flock.
And I LOVE chickens!!!!!
Oh dear, how could I forget my little Naked Necks!!! Because they are the cutest things there is!!!

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

Nope, none at all. Except possibly my little BTWJ....just because she is tiny and can't be mixed with the standards. Now I am having to make special accommodations and by more tiny chickens to make her life happy. But she is so wonderful it is worth it.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

Once I get moved there is no telling....right now, NONE!!!

For any of the above questions, if the gender of the bird has affected/does affect your answers, can you explain why?

On most of them I wanted/needed hens (roosters lay so few eggs LOL) but I needed a BLRW roo for pure eggs. Same with the La Fleche...and my husband just HAD to have a roo for the nice, big horns. I wasn't concerned about the breed for this, but I also wanted a roo to crow....the most beautiful sound there is!
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They have to be cold hardy thats the most important thing for me here in WI.

I only have 4 chickens right now I got the banties because I found them at a sale and really wanted to get some chickens and I love there buff columbia pattern. I only had a rabbit carrier along so i couldnt get a standard chicken. It wouldnt fit! My EEs I got because I wanted more eggs and love the blue eggs and theyre hardy and friendly.

I never regreted getting a chicken except the free mean rooster the hatchery sent us as a chick. Run for your lives!

I want to add S sussex, jersy giants, dominique or BR, welsummer, Spitzhauben, and more wyandottes. But I'll probably add more breeds than that. I think Im addicted.
We chose Speckled Sussex because I wanted a friendly, calm, cold and heat hardy dual purpose breed and it came down to Speckled Sussex or Black Australorp (I ruled out Buff Orpingtons because I thought they'd get picked on if I got other breeds), and I went for the flashy looks.
I also got Easter Eggers because we wanted colored eggs to possibly sell. Since I ordered from McMurray, I also ended up with a random feather footed chick and a Buff Orpington packing peanut. The Buff doesn't get picked on too badly and she or he is very sweet, so I wonder if maybe we should have gotten more of them ... the Sussex are cute but a little scared of me, and the Easter Eggers are super friendly ... everything I thought the Sussex were going to be. Maybe the Sussex just need some time to warm up ...

Someday I'd like to add Wyandottes and maybe a game bird or two just for their looks. But for right now, eleven chickens is more than enough.

Too early to answer your gender questions ...

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