Surviving Minnesota!

Oh holm.

I will say that DD and DS have been getting pressure from their friends to watch those shows and they will on occasion. But they usually come home and tell me about it and how they hated watching it. LOL. Oh they are so my kids.

My first scary movie a friend made me watch was 'the Shining.' I have never been the same since. Chuckie, Jason and Michael were stupid compared to Jack Nicholson.
I never really got into "The Shining". We watched part of it and quit.

Chuckie is dumb... I never liked that...

What about Freddy?

Reveal nothing about the show, I am behind about 6 episodes, someone let it slip someone dies. I do not want to know anything more,,


Fine I wont spoil it for you... My sisters spoiled last weeks episode after I asked them not to... I'm still disappointed... But it was a good episode.... Ok I am done now...
Anybody else addicted to The Walking Dead?

I watch it. I usually wait for the seasons to get to Netflix and then binge watch them. We don't have cable, but I wish I could get it for a month or two while I'm home with the little guy. I can't believe what happened (I won't say more for Ralphie's sake), but look at the attention the show is getting now again - great marketing move.

MinnesotaNice, I like Shavings in the winter. I thicken it up a bit more on the coop floor for Winter. I've dabbled with hay and straw in the winter. I could feel the warmth of it on the floor vs. shavings. But I did notice the chicken crap stuck on hay/straw rubbed off easy on the chicken feet. I think their feet stay cleaner with shavings. Kind of a weird thing since they don't seem to care what they step in. But I guess I care. LOL. I keep Straw in the nest boxes. They prefer that material or long grasses for nesting.

Ha hah, I'm with you there! It's funny because we have Peafowl and when they step in their own poop they stop, stare at it, and try to shake it off. They don't like anything stuck to their feet. Chickens? They'll walk through 80 piles of poo without flinching. How thick do you keep your shavings?
got half of my steel roof up today. did not take any dives. I have about 1/3 of the screws yet to put in on the half. some of the steel was a bit wet so i put a string of screws across the top and bottom only. i can put up the rest tomorrow when it is dry. no need to be risky!

i delivered some eggs today to a regular customer and he was praising how much he loves our eggs. He said that they are so rich and that he could taste the difference since we started feeding them pumpkins. said he can taste it in the eggs. can that be? i suppose it makes sense that the diet impacts the flavor, im just surprised he says the eggs have a rich pumpkin taste.
I have never heard of being able to taste the pumpkin, but I know that if you feed them onions or garlic it will give that taste off in the eggs. The pumpkins should be making their legs more yellow and their yolks have a richer color though.
@holm25 I have never been one for watching any horror flicks. I wouldn't really turn on WD and watch it myself or try to keep up, but summer before last my son was hooked, and my husband too. If they were watching, I would stop and watch just for something to do. There are a few shows like that, I only get hooked watching if someone else is planted in front of the TV watching it for a while and I can hear it, so instead of asking what was happening, I would watch.
WD is gross, but what else would it be?
There was one time I was on an FFA trip somewhere, dairy judging tour I think, and I was the only girl, so had my own hotel room. I couldn't find anything else to watch, so turned on one of the Freddy flicks. It scare the crap out of me being alone and all, so I shut it off and never tried again.
I did watch the movie Fargo, and that was pretty gruesome. I also watch the series "Fargo", and that made me equally queasy.

More gross, cleaning ear infections on chickens. I swear, it can almost make me want to hurl! I finally had to put my Buckeye cock down because his just wasn't getting better and it must have done something to his brain because I discovered it when he couldn't stand up any more and his head was twisting. He seemed fine until that started and I noticed his ear. Then I had a hen that had been in the pen with him with it too. I don't know if it is something coming in from the starlings who keep getting in those pens or what, but I have her getting treated and cleaned up and she is still walking and eat and things okay.
I watch it. I usually wait for the seasons to get to Netflix and then binge watch them. We don't have cable, but I wish I could get it for a month or two while I'm home with the little guy. I can't believe what happened (I won't say more for Ralphie's sake), but look at the attention the show is getting now again - great marketing move. 

Ha hah, I'm with you there! It's funny because we have Peafowl and when they step in their own poop they stop, stare at it, and try to shake it off. They don't like anything stuck to their feet. Chickens? They'll walk through 80 piles of poo without flinching. How thick do you keep your shavings? 

Winter time there will be 4-6 inches deep. If I go any more I can't open the coop door.

My nest boxes are on the north side of the coop and I'll fortify those with more straw as well pushing a leaf in between stud framing of the nest box.

Out in the run I use leaves from the yard and then throw an extra bale or two of hay or straw for scratching through. When it's all scratch through and mixed it's pretty fluffy and cushy for their feet. I've got a pine pole for them to jump up on and warm feet too. For me in the winter it's all about the feet staying warm.
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