Surviving Minnesota!

Morning . Glad Ralphie returned safely . Good to see BC post . So a white Christmas at the lake and more coming . BC I have to pass on the hot buffalo sauce .
Snowing here, yesterday was gloomy. My 6 year old PC hen is broody yet again. No eggs for herI am thinking it is a bit early to be hatching barnyard mixes. I also have 2 new layer cockerels coming up. One is 1/2 NN and 1/4 Chantecler and 1/4 SLW. The other I am thinking is 1/2 Chantecler and 1/2 RSL, NN, or Chantecler
As spring comes around I am hoping to convince my dad to let me get a puppy, an LGD of course. I am thinking an Akbash or Antolian × a GP. Our current one will be 5 or 6 in March and from what I have read and been told having the older one train the puppy in is way easier than waiting until the older ones dies.
I am really liking the antolian pyrenees and I know there are some in the state
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