Surviving Minnesota!

Fricken Orpingtons going broody...

Merry Christmas, We are back home......

Almost everything was fine. It appears Hoover took being in charge to new levels.

I went out as soon as we got home (10 minutes ago), checked on the birds and gathered eggs. I ended up breaking 4-5 eggs.

There was a turkey hen being punished in a stockade. I have dog kennels for cages/pens. Where the panels meet there is a 1 1/2- 2 inch opening that runs vertically along the panel. The connectors fasten to these pipes and hold the kennels together.

At the bottom because of the curvature of the pipes, the opening is 3-4 inches wide and 3 inches high or so. One of the turkey hens must have been bad. Hoover being in charge sentenced her to 2 days in the stockade. I walked by her and immediately thought to myself, " Self, that does not look like a natural way for a turkey to be standing."

I was correct. She had her head stuck between the pipes and raised as high as she could until she was blocked by the connecting strap for the panels.

She looked like the pictures of the Pilgrims in stockades. I had to push her head down, of course she fought me on this, and then pull her back through the slot.

I must give Hoover credit for a unique method of enforcing control over the flock. But, I think I may have had a dead turkey come morning. If nothing else, I know the bad boys in the flock would have taken the opportunity to mount the helpless hen over and over and over again....

Hmmm....I wonder if Hoover was actually pimping the hen out and not punishing her.....:th:th:th:th
Merry Christmas, We are back home......

Almost everything was fine. It appears Hoover took being in charge to new levels.

I went out as soon as we got home (10 minutes ago), checked on the birds and gathered eggs. I ended up breaking 4-5 eggs.

There was a turkey hen being punished in a stockade. I have dog kennels for cages/pens. Where the panels meet there is a 1 1/2- 2 inch opening that runs vertically along the panel. The connectors fasten to these pipes and hold the kennels together.

At the bottom because of the curvature of the pipes, the opening is 3-4 inches wide and 3 inches high or so. One of the turkey hens must have been bad. Hoover being in charge sentenced her to 2 days in the stockade. I walked by her and immediately thought to myself, " Self, that does not look like a natural way for a turkey to be standing."

I was correct. She had her head stuck between the pipes and raised as high as she could until she was blocked by the connecting strap for the panels.

She looked like the pictures of the Pilgrims in stockades. I had to push her head down, of course she fought me on this, and then pull her back through the slot.

I must give Hoover credit for a unique method of enforcing control over the flock. But, I think I may have had a dead turkey come morning. If nothing else, I know the bad boys in the flock would have taken the opportunity to mount the helpless hen over and over and over again....

Hmmm....I wonder if Hoover was actually pimping the hen out and not punishing her.....:th:th:th:th
Your birds are psychopaths!
Merry Christmas, We are back home......

Almost everything was fine. It appears Hoover took being in charge to new levels.

I went out as soon as we got home (10 minutes ago), checked on the birds and gathered eggs. I ended up breaking 4-5 eggs.

There was a turkey hen being punished in a stockade. I have dog kennels for cages/pens. Where the panels meet there is a 1 1/2- 2 inch opening that runs vertically along the panel. The connectors fasten to these pipes and hold the kennels together.

At the bottom because of the curvature of the pipes, the opening is 3-4 inches wide and 3 inches high or so. One of the turkey hens must have been bad. Hoover being in charge sentenced her to 2 days in the stockade. I walked by her and immediately thought to myself, " Self, that does not look like a natural way for a turkey to be standing."

I was correct. She had her head stuck between the pipes and raised as high as she could until she was blocked by the connecting strap for the panels.

She looked like the pictures of the Pilgrims in stockades. I had to push her head down, of course she fought me on this, and then pull her back through the slot.

I must give Hoover credit for a unique method of enforcing control over the flock. But, I think I may have had a dead turkey come morning. If nothing else, I know the bad boys in the flock would have taken the opportunity to mount the helpless hen over and over and over again....

Hmmm....I wonder if Hoover was actually pimping the hen out and not punishing her.....:th:th:th:th

Either Hoover is evil
Another novel way to commit suicide
Merry Christmas, We are back home......

Almost everything was fine. It appears Hoover took being in charge to new levels.

I went out as soon as we got home (10 minutes ago), checked on the birds and gathered eggs. I ended up breaking 4-5 eggs.

There was a turkey hen being punished in a stockade. I have dog kennels for cages/pens. Where the panels meet there is a 1 1/2- 2 inch opening that runs vertically along the panel. The connectors fasten to these pipes and hold the kennels together.

At the bottom because of the curvature of the pipes, the opening is 3-4 inches wide and 3 inches high or so. One of the turkey hens must have been bad. Hoover being in charge sentenced her to 2 days in the stockade. I walked by her and immediately thought to myself, " Self, that does not look like a natural way for a turkey to be standing."

I was correct. She had her head stuck between the pipes and raised as high as she could until she was blocked by the connecting strap for the panels.

She looked like the pictures of the Pilgrims in stockades. I had to push her head down, of course she fought me on this, and then pull her back through the slot.

I must give Hoover credit for a unique method of enforcing control over the flock. But, I think I may have had a dead turkey come morning. If nothing else, I know the bad boys in the flock would have taken the opportunity to mount the helpless hen over and over and over again....

Hmmm....I wonder if Hoover was actually pimping the hen out and not punishing her.....:th:th:th:th

Nice birds BC

Now I know it’s been 17 days. But here here. New rules for this thread require a vote on changing of the shortened abbreviated nicknames. Where is Ivie with her abbreviation list when I need her to make copy for MCM.


I was confoosed there for a portion of my 216 thread replies I had to catch up on.

. BC is absent . Interested in what the area looks like now .
Jerry I thank you for remembering... :gig

Well so much going on in the hood, I mean banana belt :Dwith the death of turkey hen and Hoover. “Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be ...Ummm ...toads. “

Jerry still fixing things including frijoles.

Ed eating spritz cookies. They are my faves too. Along with gingerbread that you have to soften with milk first. Mmmm

Layers good luck on that camp. Sorry about back up rooster.

Holms working at menards and buying beef cattle!

Cactus took care of business. He serves a purpose. I caught one more deer mouse in a snap trap and nothing and no further sign since. We shoved the ‘terd outside ( with leather gloves) and all is well.

My life during the holidays is a series of check marked to do lists.
As with the other ladies here on the thread I’m sure. Add in a 50th wedding anniversary dinner party for my parents. I’ve taken on the cake, some decor and over the last week dove into 50 years of photos and made a video. I am nuts.

Dad is still kicking around. Brain tumor still there , lost 60 lbs to immunotherapy drugs and shingles. But on steroids and about as nice to phlebotomy nurses as Ralphie. I have a story but it has the word Fudge in it and it’s not really fudge what he said. I told him although they’ve pricked your veins 3 times you need to be nice.

December 28th, 1968 it snowed a foot and grandpa plowed wedding guests out so they’d get down to Houston for the wedding. Can you imagine sliding down the coulee in those cars. Sounds like another foot in celebration of their 50th! woot! But we’ll stay nort.

DS is catching Christmas crappies like crazy. Traditionally they shut down now.
They are driving to lake Winnipeg in the morning . Try and land some nice greenies. Aka bullheads on this thread.

DS found new recipe. Franks red hot buffalo. Soak fillets in for 5-10 minutes. Season flour. Fry in butter and oil. The fish are crisp like chicken.


Flock Block! Ba-gock!


Sadie wants to help with warm flock block.

Sunny Two. She’s a bit of a background personality hen. But I just find her regal and classy.


Smells so good. I got it out of the house before DH tried to eat it.


Getting a photo of Sadie - I had to giggle- we are serious redneck operation... guns, whisky, hunting dog.

Merry Christmas and to all a good night.
My flock has been enjoying this winter thus far, but that may change if the forecast is accurate ? It is difficult to free range in a foot of fresh snow.

Glad Xmas is over, as the crowds of people I find less than amusing.
You people who are in the process of hatching eggs this early have your work cut out for yourselves. Glad I am not one of you.

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