Surviving Minnesota!

OK, I know this has maybe been asked and answered a million times, but this is my first winter with laying hens. Today I had a small egg that I think was frozen before I collected it. The egg shell is not broken, but I used the spin test and it spins like a solid hard boiled egg. Fresh eggs, of course, do not spin. The medium and large eggs were fine.

Can I let this egg thaw out and store it as normal on the counter top in my egg skelter?

Do I have to let this egg thaw out and use it right away?

Can I put frozen eggs in the refrigerator and use them whenever?

OK, I know this has maybe been asked and answered a million times, but this is my first winter with laying hens. Today I had a small egg that I think was frozen before I collected it. The egg shell is not broken, but I used the spin test and it spins like a solid hard boiled egg. Fresh eggs, of course, do not spin. The medium and large eggs were fine.

Can I let this egg thaw out and store it as normal on the counter top in my egg skelter?

Do I have to let this egg thaw out and use it right away?

Can I put frozen eggs in the refrigerator and use them whenever?

I eat frozen eggs if the inner membrane hasn't leaked. If it's leaking the dog is happy
I keep them in the frig.
I worry that the bloom has been compromised if the egg has condensation on it. So eggs that get condensation go in the frig too
Gtaus how cold was it for you? Eggs take quite a bit to freeze. Like 10-15?degrees I’d say...?
Huh. We were down to 30 last night.
I’ve had a few freeze and I feel like it does change the yolk. Like it’s medium boiled or something and it never acts quite the same once it’s been frozen. Anybody else seen that?

Days off and no where to be for the whole family. Kind of nice.

Our neighbor was in a side by side wreck with her grand kids and her ankle shattered. So I made the shells and sausage recipe for the insta pot. We had a trial run on it Wednesday night... holy shizzle is that good stuff.

Snowing today but green grass out there yet. Our ground had some warmish days. I knew it wouldn’t stick. Juncoes (mom called them snow-birds) are eating crab grass seed in the yard. You walk out and the whole yard lifts to the near by popple trees. Gorgeous.

The deer officially clamber up on the deck to get the chicken feed. Home on a Saturday to see their stealing ... butts eating my feed. I shooed and hissed at one. She came back with her mom, sibling and her Mom’s friend not 5 minutes later. I will ring around the rosey further onto my deck. But the chickens act like turkeys when it’s not in the usual spots...kinda dumb— and end up half starving. Idk we’ll see I might get that picture of the deer on my deck furniture yet.

The Marans pullet put out a pretty dark egg yesterday. I compared it to my welsummer and it seem sorta not that dark then. But DH was impressed with it though when I showed him. I’m pleased nonetheless. And honestly have been just happy that chickens are giving me eggs . Simply.

I am not ready for the white fungus so therefore it can not come! I need at least another month, to prepare physically and well mentally I am never really prepared for it. I guess it is reality as my husband did schedule the annual youth snowmobile safety class. (He is an instructor.)

I just signed up 22 birds between my kids and I in the junior and open show in Hutchinson. Show takes place on Saturday October 26th. We hope to have a large showing of Bantam Buckeye's properly conditioned.

If you are coming down for the day and just want to socialize, my family will be heading over to Pizza Ranch in Hutchinson for supper between 6 and 6:30pm. We would love to see you there! There is also a dinner hosted by Minnesota Poultry Association honoring Richard Andree. Richard is a very deserving recipient of this honor.
I’ll be at the banquet with Holzhueters + crew. Pizza Ranch does sound a bit more exciting though. ;)
Gtaus how cold was it for you? Eggs take quite a bit to freeze. Like 10-15?degrees I’d say...?

Well, it started snowing last night and has been snowing on and off most of today. Temps down to 28F overnight, warmed up to 33F this afternoon. Anyway, my girls have just started laying eggs. Today I got 1 large and 1 medium egg, both fine. The small egg was stone cold and when I brought it into the house I gave it a quick spin test. It spun like a hard boiled egg, which I take as being frozen, because fresh eggs will not spin. Egg shell was not cracked. Just wondering if I need to eat the egg right away, let it thaw out in the refrigerator, or just put it on the counter top on my egg skelter like the other fresh eggs.

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