Surviving Minnesota!

Jerry, we had enough rain here on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to ruin ice fishing for the winter

We already had snow-ice of about 7 inches. But it got warm, and we had heavy wet snow and rain.. which put water on top the ice.

The whole works froze over so we had 2 layers of ice with water between the layers.

Now we have this water on top those layers. We will need really cold weather for an extended period to make decent ice. Even then it will be iffy around here.

I have decided against a permanent house on the ice this year. I will stick to the portables. Those with houses on the ice already are going to be using a lot of four letter words when they try to move them.

I think north will be better. I am planning on going to Togo in the near future on snowmobiled with my son in law, we will just use portables up there. We won’t be driving on the ice either, well, with trucks.

The worst part is we are set up for a fish kill this winter. Bad ice. Lots of snow early, will cause the weeds to die, and rot. So instead of making oxygen they will be consuming it as they rot.

I am ending the decade as a naysayer, I guess.
Memphis. He is kinda neat. I wish he was more of a lapper too, but if he wants to be a fraidy cat around these parts for his own good, that's okay. I'll just stand aside and listen to him. I'll try to get some video with him doing it. It may be spring as I should be able to find him in a nest calling to the girls and he really does that. Berries do it too. I suppose I could get some nice expensive raspberries for him... chortle chortle.
Ralphie, DH has a bit of a V-plow path to ours. But the house...I don't know if we dare redrill the holes?! It's going to Geyser in that house! And I think we'll be up an ice creek without a paddle? We will really need a paddle? It's a flipping mess. I told DH to get it off the lake.
If not off the lake, at least raise it a foot off the ice on blocks.

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